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50 recent changes in MetOceanDWG Web retrieved at 05:28 (GMT)

Meeting details Agenda Monday 28 November 14:00 17:00 (Brussels time) : Met/Ocean DWG session 14:00 Announcements: 5 min and getting telecon to work * OGC T...
Meeting details Agenda Monday 19 September 15:00 18:00 (Boulder time) (21:00 24:00 UTC) : Met/Ocean DWG session * "NetCDF announcement" Stefano Nativi/Ben Dom...
Minutes of Telecon 30 August 2011 Attendees * Jennifer Boehnert (NCAR) * Kevin Sampson (UCAR) * Frederic Guillaud Marie Francoise Voidrot (Meteo Franc...
Minutes of Telecon 22 August 2011 Attendees * Jon Blower (University of Reading) * Frederic Guillaud Marie Francoise Voidrot (Meteo France) Discussions : 1) ...
Minutes of Telecon 11 July 2011 Attendees * Matthias Mueller (Univ Dresden) * Stephan Siemen (ECMWF) * Marie Francoise Voidrot (Meteo France) Discussions : 1) ...
Minutes of Telecon 27 June 2011 Attendees * Nick Bearson(SSEC) * John Schattel (NWS) * Ben Domenico (NCAR) * Michael Weis (IBL) * Matthias Mueller...
Please add questions, issues, etc to this page Issue and Works current status summary * : Impact on the Profile doc, : Comments, : Actions* Handli...
Minutes of Telecon 20 June 2011 Attendees * Russ Dengel (SSEC) * Stefan Siemen (ECMWF) * Ben Domenico (NCAR) * Michael Weis (IBL) * Matthias Muell...
* Main.MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez 09 Jun 2011 Numerical model output available on several servers : * · GFS data * UCAR Unidata : Global model da...
Met Ocean DWG 1st Interoperability Experiment volunteerings Please add you details if you are interested to participate in the WMS IE: Organisation Contact(s)...
Identified needs or issues in term of animations 1 Animations over time * Simple animation based on a time serie of a single field (Example : let's say an an...
Minutes of Telecon 18 April 2011 Attendees * Jebb Stewart (NOAA/ERSL) * Stefan Siemen (ECMWF) * Ben Domenico (NCAR) * Chris Little (UK Met Office) ...
This page defines the anticipated roadmap for the OGC Met Ocean DWG conceptual modelling activity Note that progress against this plan is entirely dependent on th...
The page is intended to provide a discussion forum for specific issues arising from the development and implementation of the OGC Met Oceans DWG common conceptual...
When is a data processing event an Observation? Originator: Main.JeremyTandy Creation date: 20 Apr 2011 Overview We need to define a policy identifying when a da...
Example issue please follow this template when creating a new issue for discussion and resolution within the OGC Met Ocean DWG conceptual modelling group ISSUE ...
This page provides a forum to identify the core issues associated with the Common Conceptual Model developed to support the meteorology and oceanography community...
Note: PRIORITY USE CASES / themes 1 Aviation 1 Hydrometeorology 1 Climate science Institutional Use Cases These use cases are meant to document a set of...
This page provides an overview of the Conceptual Modelling activity within the OGC Met Ocean DWG Standards Incubation forum The OGC Met Ocean domain working...
Weather Exchange Models Introduction If we wish to have interoperability with a range of OGC standards such as WMS, WCS, GML, WFS, Processing and Sensor related ...
Data modelling methodology The approach agreed to be adopted for MO.DWG conceptual modelling work is based around the INSPIRE methodology (D2.6), itself based on ...
Constituents Who are the main parties involved in the conceptual modelling activity or rather, which communities are responsible for driving the requirements? N...
Proposal of mapping between TIME concepts of numerical weather simulations and ISO/DIS 19156 Observations and Measurements (O M 2.0) This page just make a summary...
Third Workshop on the Use of GIS / OGC standards in Meteorology, 15 17 November 2010, Exeter, UK This follows th...
Meeting details Agenda Monday 28 February 09:00 10:00 (Bonn time) (08:00 09:00 UTC) COVERAGE SESSION OF SHARED INTEREST * "Basic Geoscientific Data Categories...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
This page lists the topics that are of interest to the Met DWG community. These are topics that range from only needing discussion to facilitate agreement, those...
Minutes of Telecon 14 February 2011 Attendees * John Schattel (NWS), * Jebb Stewart (NOAA/ERSL) * Stefan Siemen (ECMWF) * Sandor * Adrian Custer ...
Minutes of Telecon 7 February 2011 Attendees * John Schattel (NWS), * Jebb Stewart (NOAA/ERSL) * Stefan Siemen (ECMWF) * Michael Weiss (IBL) * Ma...
Time issues for meteorology and oceanography WMS Introduction Time in meteorological and oceanographic products is multidimensional. There are several type of da...
Minutes of Telecon 25 January 2011 Attendees * John Schattel (NWS), * Adrian Custer (Geomatys), * Stefan Siemen (ECMWF) * Chris Little (UKMet) *...
Minutes of Telecon 13 December 2010 Attendees * John Schattel (NWS), * Chris Little, (UK Met Office), * Adrian Custer (Geomatys), * Frederic Guill...
Minutes of Telecon 25 January 2011 Attendees * John Schattel (NWS), * Adrian Custer (Geomatys), * Michael Weiss (IBL) * Frederic Guillaud (Meteo Fr...
Minutes of Telecon 10 January 2011 Attendees * Stephan Siemen (ECMWF) * Sandor (ECMWF) * John Schattel (NWS), * Adrian Custer (Geomatys), * Ma...
Minutes of Telecon 3 January 2011 Attendees Apologies Proposed Agenda Main.MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez 28 Jan 2011
The Web Map Service (WMS) specification of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) leaves to the service implementor the choice of which CRS definitions to support. ...
University of Reading WMS server This server is "semi operational". The URL is stable and it "should work" but is not monitored 24/7. Problems are usually resol...
Moved as table to MetCoordinateReferenceSystemDefinition .
Main.MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez 30 Nov 2010
The Met Ocean DWG will convene at 16:00 17:55 on Monday, 29 November, at the OGC TC Meeting in Sydney. The detailed agenda so far is as follows: 16:00 Announcem...
What is a Coverage Service? For a quick overview of WCS see . What use can WCS have in Meteorology? Meteorology routinely uses large...
UC6: Climate Impacts Use Case Overview Owner Bruce Wright (Met Office) Summary Use predictions of the future climate (with past climate data as a baseline) to ...
Meeting details Agenda Wednesday 22 September 11:00 #8211; 13:00 The telecon number will be 33 (0)1 72 15 58 37 For Webex, you will find on the Webex server h...
The drought in the western third of the United States has worsened over the first 10 years of the new millennium. The historical fire season (June #8211; Septem...
Minutes of Telecon 14 September 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright Apologies * Bruce Bannerman * Andrew Wo...
Minutes and Actions from Conceptual Modelling Telecons No Telecons are scheduled at present, as the engagement process will be discussed at the OGC TC meeting in...
UC12: Plume Prediction in Support of Emergency Response Use Case Overview Owner Bruce Wright (Met Office) Super Use Case Use of Meteorology in Support of Emerg...
Conceptual Modelling Hot Topics Please add any outstanding questions here that you had hoped to raise at the Telcon, so they can been responded to. Main.BruceWr...
Minutes of Telecon 10 August 2010 Attendees * Frédéric Guillaud * Aaron Braeckel * John Schatell * Andrew Woolf * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce ...
Minutes of Telecon 20 July 2010 Attendees * Bruce Bannerman * Bob Wilson * Jeremy Tandy (chair) * Bruce Wright Agenda 1) Australian Emergency Re...
Number of topics: 50
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Topic revision: r3 - 15 Nov 2006, TWikiContributor
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