Welcome to the public wiki of the OGC Nordic Forum

The OGC Nordic Forum ( overview) aims to provide government, academic, research and industry organizations in the Nordic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) with opportunities to learn about and discuss issues related to interoperability of geographic information involving OGC standards.


OGC Nordic Forum Interoperability Day, September 3, 2012

OGC Nordic Interoperability was held in Stockholm September 3. The event was hosted by the ULI Geoforum in Sweden

Seminar Agenda


Keynote, Athina Trakas, Director of European Services (OGC)
Spatially enabling e-government applications using an Open Source Geographic Information service platform, Jani Kylmäaho, National Land Survey of Finland
EGN (EuroGeoNames) Service based on OGC Gazetteer service AP, Pekka Latvala, Finnish Geodetic Institute
Development of interoperable systems for defence and civil security, Elisabet Ressner, Saab
How to protect OGC services, Jari Reini, National Land Survey of Finland
Using OGC standards to improve the common operational picture, Mikael Gråsjö, Carmenta
Metria's OGC-framework 2.x (Saerimner), Bertil Karlsson, Metria
ESRI, Per Angerud, ESRI Sverige
OGC and Geographic SOA in Norwegian Defence, Andreas Oxenstierna, T-Kartor
Summary, Jari Reini, National Land Survey of Finland


Members of the OGC Nordic Forum include:

Denmark Finland Norway Sweden The current members of the OGC Nordic Forum invite other Nordic organizations to join the Forum.

Please register to the OGC Nordic Forum mailing list at: https://lists.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/nordic.forum

NordicForum Web Utilities

Topic revision: r9 - 16 Sep 2012, JariReini
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