The page is intended to provide a discussion forum for specific issues arising from the development and implementation of the OGC Met Oceans DWG common conceptual model

Conceptual Modelling issues for discussion

Please add your issue into the table below, creating a new WIKI page / topic within which discussion can proceed.

Issue numbers shall be incremented sequentially & hyperlinked to the new discussion topic.

A template example for an issue is provided here: ConceptualModellingExampleIssue


Issue number Issue status Summary
0000 Resolved This is an example issue with a meaningless summary
0001 Pending Need to define policy identifying when a data-processing event can be considered an observation EVENT (as defined by ISO/DIS19156 O&M)
-- JeremyTandy - 20 Apr 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 20 Apr 2011, JeremyTandy
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