Welcome to the ChinaForum web
The China Forum of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) was chartered in 2017 with the goal of addressing the OGC outreach and education needs of government, academic, research and industry organizations in China. The Forum also provides a coordination mechanism to prioritize Chinese interoperability requirements and communicate these requirements into the OGC standards process. Finally, the Forum will establish and maintain coordination with the Asia/Pacific region OGC members on issues relevant to the broader Asia/Pacific regional interest in the OGC international process.
The OGC China Forum is a grouping of the OGC members in China, set up to promote the use and understanding of open standards for geospatial software and data in China, and to influence the definition of these standards. The objectives of the China Forum are to increase the profile and awareness of geospatial interoperability standards in China, with national and local government as well as industry, academic, and research organizations, to provide a forum for the collaboration of developers and users of spatial data products and services, and to assist in the definition of a set of standards to meet the requirements of China. The Forum will assist organizations in understanding the tangible benefits of implementing geospatial interoperability standards, to identify the relevant standards, and to plan for success in realizing these benefits through use of compliant products.
The members are committed to the use of the open interoperable standards defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The China Forum will work with the global and Asia/Pacific regional structures of the OGC. The OGC China Forum will also strive to work with other relevant industry and government bodies to achieve its vision which is the realization of the full societal, economic and scientific benefits of integrating electronic location resources into commercial and institutional processes.
The China Forum is chaired by Peng Yue of Wuhan University. For questions or to become involved, please contact
Peng Yue (pyue@whu.edu.cn).
Work Plan
The OGC China Forum is chartered to address a range of topics including, but not limited to:
- Develop awareness, acceptance, and implementation of geospatial interoperability best practices based on Chinese National policies
- Develop a set of documentation presenting the OGC standards in China, and adapted to Chinese issues, use cases, and organizational features
- Identify requirements related to Chinese needs for introduction into OGC processes
- Manage an OGC Chinese Forum site to support dissemination, discussion, and demonstration
- Coordinate the organization of interoperability sessions in annual conferences of Chinese GIS society on a regular basis
- Improve OGC membership in China, particularly with industry, academic and research organizations
- Support the OGC global outreach and OGC Asia/Pacific regional projects in furthering the OGC global mission
- Wuhan University
- Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Tsinghua University
- Peking University
- Zhengzhou Information Engineering University
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Fuzhou University
- Nanjing Normal University
- Chongqing Survey Institute
- Lands Department HKSAR Government
- Development Bureau HKSAR Government
- SuperMap Software Co., Ltd.
- Terra Info Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
- Zhengzhou Zhonghe Jingxuan Information Technology Co., Ltd.
- South Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
- GeoScene Information Technology Co., Ltd.
- Wuhan Zondy Cyber Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
- Ribose Inc.
- Hubei University
- Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
- China Agricultural University
- Zhejiang University
- Huawei Device Co., Ltd
- Syrius Robotics Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen Rayvision Technology Co., Ltd.
- Changjiang Spatial Information Technology Engineering Co., Ltd
- Piesat Information Technology Co.,Ltd
- Wuhan University of Technology
- Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd
- Hubei Luojia Laboratory
- Luoyao Information Technology Co., Ltd (TechLuo)
The OGC China Forum will be open to all OGC member organizations residing in China, or conducting business in China.
- OGC Innovation Program: Urban Digital Twins Interoperability Pilot (UDTIP-2024)
- 130th OGC Member Meeting in Goyang
- OGC Innovation Program: Climate & Disaster Resilience Pilot (CDRP-2024)
- OGC Testbed-19 Innovation Initiative
- OGC Innovation Program: Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Pilot (FMSDI-2023)
- OGC Innovation Program: Climate Resiliense Pilot (CRP-2023)
- News of the Publication of TrainingDML -AI Part 1: Conceptual Model Standard
- Results of OGC biggest Innovation Initiative in 2021, Testbed-17
- Results of OGC Innovation Program: Disaster Pilot 2021
- Translate CityGML into Chinese
- OGC Testbed-17 Innovation Initiative
- OGC Innovation Program: Disaster Pilot 2021
- 119th OGC Member Meeting
- OGC Data Quality Workshop, TC Session, 2021.6.16
- OGC GeoAI DWG, TC Session, 2021.6.17
- The OGC China Forum - New Space Virtual Webinar
- Environmental Data Retrieval API Standards Working Group (SWG)
- OGC China Forum & NODA Session at the 117th Member Meeting, 2020.12
- OGC Innovation Program: Disaster Resilience Pilot (DRP-2019)
- Open Standards for Smart Cities: Integrating BIM and Geospatial (GIS), Hong Kong
- OGC China session in the International Workshop on Big Geospatial Data and Data Science (BGDDS 2018), Wuhan
- OGC session in the 6th Digital Earth Summit - Digital Earth in the Era of Big Data, Beijing
- OGC China session in the annual conference of the Chinese GIS society, Shenzhen
- OGC China forum initiative report in the Technical and Planning Committee Meeting, Taichung
- User guide and demonstration of Flood Disaster Resilience - Emergency Response and Impact Assessment, Wuhan University
- ISO/NP 19130-3 Geographic information - Imagery sensor models for geopositioning - Part 3: Implementation Schema, Tsinghua University
- Formulation and Implementation of Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS) Standards, Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying & Mapping
- Formulation of the metadata of geographic model(draft) and Geographic Model Service Description Language (GMSDL), Nanjing Normal University
- Implementation of CityGML ADE for population and address Management, Terra Info Tech Co., Ltd.
- ISO 19123-2 Coverage core, extensions, and application profiles, Fuzhou University
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