Welcome to the MLSdwg web

Welcome to the Mobile Location Services Domain Working Group (MLS-DWG)

This is the Wiki for the MLS-DWG. The OGC Mobile Location Services (MLS) Domain Working Group (DWG) is a venue in the OGC Standards Program for location-aware mobile requirements and use cases. Additional information on the DWG can be found here.

Please remember to sign up for the email reflector for the MSL-DWG.

Should you need any additional information (also on this page) contact the co-chairs:


  1. Boulder, Colorado, TC Meetings, June 2015 (including slides)
  2. Nottingham, UK, TC Meetings, September 2015 (including slides and minutes)
  3. Washington DC, TC Meetings, March 2016
  4. Dublin, TC Meetings, June 2016
  5. Taichung, TC Meetings, Dec 2016
  6. ...

Other conference calls (and minutes)

  1. 2015-05-06 - Preparatory telco to Boulder meeting.

Use cases of relevance

The goal of this section is to create a working place for the editing of a document on use case of relevance for the DWG. To add new use cases create a new bullet and add a new page with the description:
  1. An Architecture for Location and Location Privacy in Internet Applications - Location-based services (such as navigation applications, emergency services, and management of equipment in the field) need geographic location information about Internet hosts, their users, and other related entities. These applications need to securely gather and transfer location information for location services, and at the same time protect the privacy of the individuals involved. This document describes an architecture for privacy-preserving location-based services in the Internet, focusing on authorization, security, and privacy requirements for the data formats and protocols used by these services. Numerous use cases.
  2. Filtering Location Notifications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This document describes filters that limit asynchronous location notifications to compelling events. These filters are designed as an extension to RFC 4661, an XML-based format for event notification filtering, and based on RFC 3856, the SIP presence event package. The resulting location information is conveyed in existing location formats wrapped in the Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO). Numerous use cases. References GML. Carl Reed was a contributor and reviewer.
  3. Several use cases addressing health and care scenarios. This work has been carried on in the context of the project Horizon 2020 Innovation Action UNCAP “iNteroperable Care for Ageing People” which is being funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement n. 643555 ( www.uncap.eu). NOTE: The identification of these use cases has been carried on in conjunction with the MLS (Mobile Location Services) DWG of OGC.
  4. Section 5.1 OGC Location Services: Tracking Service Interface Standard.
  5. OpenLS Standard v 1.2 has numerous use cases for each of the interfaces defined by the standard.
  6. Title 2 here - Add short description if applicable
  7. ....

Existing standards of relevance (incl. non OGC)

MLSdwg Web Utilities

Topic revision: r14 - 24 Nov 2016, GiuseppeConti
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