Minutes of Telecon 18 April 2011
- Jebb Stewart (NOAA/ERSL)
- Stefan Siemen (ECMWF)
- Ben Domenico (NCAR)
- Chris Little (UK Met Office)
- Marie-Francoise Voidrot (Meteo-France)
Proposed Agenda
- IEs feedback and way forward
- Others
- Next Telcon
1) IEs feedback and way forward:
In order to check how far the use case already defined was relevant, Meteo-france has looked for the servers offering the Mean Sea Level Pressure as a numerical model output.
It is available on the IBL server and the UCAR server for GFS outputs and on the ECMWF for ECMWF output.
Nevertheless it appeared that these servers don't give the same name for this very basic field and have different SLDs. The names used are
- IBL : Pressure MSL
- UCAR : Pressure_reduced_to_MSL
One basic recommendation into the MO profile could be to use WMO names as far as possible when they are defined.
Where can these names be found?
ECMWF has made a major work of mapping on behalf of WMO and is committed to provide and maintain the parameter tables
These for the long-run and therefore are suitable as a reference.
The short parameter names and the parameterID are ECMWF specific. The (long) names are based on WMO attributes, but the names itself are not WMO defined.
The names of WMS layers are constraints by rules that can prevent from using exactly the WMO names.
Mapping rules have to be defined into the MO WMS Profile
A first proposal from Chris is :
1. Letters maintain their case (do not relax this, to maintain acronyms such as CAT)
2. Space -> Underbar
3. "(" -> ""
4. ")" -> ""
4a "+" ->
4b "," -> ""
4c "-" -> "-"
5. "*"-> "" These are used to refer to footnotes
6. trailing blanks suppressed
Chris notes that there are
- some typing errors into WMO docs,
- inconsistencies into upper cases and lower cases (Caesium/caesium)
- Comments or formulas that might be deleted
- "Total column water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour + cloud water/ice))"
- "Frequency spectral energy density E (f) = ∫ E (f,θ) dθ"
- "Directional spectral energy density E (θ)= ∫ E (f,θ) df / m0"
- Generally "+", "&", "," "?" and "=" are reserved in URLs, so perhaps WMO IPET-DRC could adopt a parameter naming policy that does not include these, or mathematical formulae. I suggest should be only letters, numbers, hyphens and underbars
Wmo will help for standard basic files but not for WMS combining several fields or for imagery.
We should ask to NOAA and Eumetsat if images names are standardised somewhere.
2) Others
Chris will contact Brian Gockel to get some feedback on GIS/OGC conference organisation status.
MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez - 09 May 2011