Welcome to the MetOceanDWG web
The Meteorology and Oceanography Domain Working Group (Met Ocean DWG) is a community orientated working group of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The group does not directly revise OGC
standards, but rather enables collaboration and communication between groups with meteorological and oceanographic interests. The Met Ocean DWG maintains a list of topics of interest to the meteorological and oceanographic communities for discussion, defining feedback to the OGC Standards Working Groups (SWG), and performing interoperability experiments. The DWG covers Oceanography as well, because of the long history of collaboration and shared institutions between meteorology and oceanography. Climatology is, of course, a subset of Meteorology.
The Met Ocean DWG is intended to be a public forum for communication, and both the
email list and this Twiki are open to interested parties.
Current activities
Various documents are awaiting formal publication by OGC of WCS2.1
This thread of work is driven by Daniel Lee
This plugfest will be organised during the Met Ocean telcos and should be prepared by a remote "pre-plugfest" to make it as productive as possible.
Met Ocean DWG achievements
- WMS 1.3 Best Practice OGC Best Practice for using Web Map Services (WMS) with Time-Dependent or Elevation-Dependent Data (1.0) 12-111r1 http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wms
- Complete set of WMO weather symbols in SVG with full metadata. https://github.com/OGCMetOceanDWG/WorldWeatherSymbols (needs some links re-freshing)
- Modelling consistency between WMO, ICAO and OGC conceptual models achieved, published , based on O&M, with formal, multi-lingual documentation and guidance
- WCS :Work started on WCS & data payloads (NetCDF, GRIB, data tiles/cubes, slice & dice, curtains & corridors)
- Creation of a Temporal DWG producing Best Practice on TIME (CRS, Calendars, statistics,
- Plugfests:
- *Testbeds contributions
Contribution of Météo-France to 7th OGC IE Test bed
Future Works
*It is time to define where we will go next and what will be the next focus for the DWG works. Several options are being considered
- Extend WMS1.3 BP to other standards (WMTS
Other than WCS 2.0)
- Follow GeoTIFF WCS shortcut process with WMO GRIB format
- Expand WMS1.3 BP with climatological periods, calendars, etc
- Carry on with weather symbols in SVG for SLD/SE on Github
- Interact more with the on Aviation DWG for Met
- Express requirements/Change Request to WMS2.0
- Influence other OGC standards e.g. PubSub, etc
- Extend the BP towards a Profile (+ Chair WMS SWG)
- Work on WMO Registries, SKOS, etc
- Interoperable Web Map Tiling Services
- Gridded Coverage Data in OGC Standards
- Other topics of interest
If you are interested by some of these options , please visit the
FutureFocus Page and subscribe to the activities you would like to contribute to.
Past activities - Archives
* WMS Works archives :
* WMS Best Practices on time and elevation handling:
* Interoperability Experiment for WMS:
* Conceptual Modelling:


The OGC Met Ocean DWG conceptual modelling activity is strongly coupled with work undertaken in the INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographic Features (TWG AC-MF). The Oceanographic Geographic Features & Sea Regions theme (TWG OF-SR) is also closely aligned with this activity, and Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF) is also of relevance.
*NEW* Version 2 of the INSPIRE Annex II & III Themes are available for review from July - October 2011; see:
Consultation Details,
AC-MF Spec,
OF Spec, SR Spec,
EF Spec.
(More background on INSPIRE TWG AC-MF can be found in some notes of the kick-off meeting:
InspireTwgAcf )
Minutes from 'conceptual modelling' teleconferences are available here:
ConceptualModellingMinutes. Note that during 2010, participants noted that regular teleconferences were not providing significant value. As such, the regular teleconferences ceased in early 2010. For up to date views on the issues for the conceptual modelling activity, please see the sections above.
* General issues :
Work process management
The Met Ocean DWG is gathering topics of interest to the community. Some feedback is available from early implementations of the OGC standards for meteorological products.This highlights several issues that are characteristic of the domain and require some best practices recommendations to ensure interoperability between the different implementations. The Group proposes to develop an open discussion on each issue following the Twiki recommended style for discussions described at :
http://external.opengis.org/twiki_public/bin/view/TWiki/GoodStyle and some teleconferences that will be announced there, through the email list and via the calendar. An analysis will then be made and submitted for review.
If you have questions or ideas to improve this process, please express it at :
suggestions to improve the MDWG working process
MetOceanDWG Web Utilities