Minutes of Telecon 11 July 2011
* Matthias Mueller (Univ Dresden) * Stephan Siemen (ECMWF) * Marie-Francoise Voidrot (Meteo-France)
Discussions :
1) Met OCean WMS Best Practices draft on Time handling evolutions
Modifications have been proposed by Jurgen Seib (DWD) and Matthias Mueller (Univ Dresden) and integrated in modification mode into the attached filed. A dimension to define a duration of accumulation (of precipitation for instance) has to be added. Marie-Francoise has sent and email to Jeremy to check if this concept has some reference name already defined into some models. No answer received at the moment. Two different implementations already exist and will be added to the synthesis document. Matthias confirms this notion is necessary and has also looked for a solution. He will trace his inputs by email. This sysnthesis document and the pending discussions will be presented in Boulder. Meanwhile inputs can still be provided but if not the subject will be not be discussed in further teleconfs.
2) Layers naming
The issue of the names of the layers is introduced into paragraphs and of the WMS1.3 specification document. This issue has been added to the
Met Ocean WMS Best Practices page The resources have been completed on the
controlled vocabulary page The group still has to check that the resources cover all types of data (modele outputs , satallite channels or value added products, radar products, composite products, ...) The Inspire draft
AF-MF specs talks about the names of the layers to be provided by INSPIRE view services on pages 46-47. There is a call for comments on this draft until the 21 October 2011. The Met OCean DWG should pay attention to this proposal of requirements and recommendations to check the consequences or submit comments. The AC prefix for a selected subset of Observable properties recommended by requirement 11 can introduce annoying exceptions only linked to INSPIRE requirements... The text has to be read carefully because if the name of the layer has to be limitated to the observable property name ,an impact can be that the process (model, mesh...) will have to be put into dimensions. This could be impact the best practices document and the existing implementations if they have to comply with INSPIRE.
This will be discussed in the next teleconfs chaired by Stephan Siemen
3) Others
Marie-Francoise will be on holidays for 2 weeks. Stephan Siemen will chair the next teleconfs to push the works on the Best practices during the summer.
4) Next telco
The next teleconf will be on July 18th. The page
Met Ocean Teleconfs and Meetings Announcements has been updated
MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez - 01 Jul 2011