Welcome to the OGC Australia New Zealand Forum

The OGC Australia New Zealand Forum is an informal organisation of the OGC members in Australia and New Zealand and those interested in learning more and engaging with the open geospatial standards process.
It is open to all OGC members and non-members located wholly or partly in Australia or New Zealand.

Abhayaratna, Jo (PSMA Australia)
Cochrane, Byron (Land Information New Zealand)
Smith, Margie (Geoscience Australia)


To join the mailing list for information on the forum's activities please follow this link https://lists.opengeospatial.org/mailman/listinfo/anz.forum

Upcoming Events

Event Location Date
Locate18 Adelaide, Australia 9-11 April, 2018
FOSS4G Oceania Melbourne  

Current Work

  1. Clearly articulate the value proposition of forum membership.
  2. Identify groups for outreach and help them understand the tangible benefits of implementing geospatial interoperability standards.
  3. Identify a set of standards with significant interest for the ANZ region.

AustraliaNewZealandForum Web Utilities

Topic revision: r3 - 05 Dec 2017, JosephAbhayaratna
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