Basic WCS 2.x MetOcean Profile principles
- MetOceanWCSProfile currently focuses on exposing Numerical Weather Prediction forecasted model data. This data is traditionally encoded in GRIB (or NetCDF) format and often interpreted or used as 2D rectangular-grid fields.These fields have additional metadata attributes which define
- vertical level of the field (in various vertical level axis types)
- model run/initialisation/reference time
- validity of the field (forecast offset relative to model run's time)
- MetOceanWCSProfile tries to aggregate 2D fields which logically belong to each other into more-dimenstional coverage "cubes" with the following principle:
- Fields with the same vertical axis (e.g. all isobaric level fields) type shall belong to the same "cube". E.g. aramaters at isobaric levels will then form a 4D cube (2 spatial dimensions, 1 vertical isobaric dimension and 1 forecast
- MetOceanWCSProfile makes use of "Coverage Collection" (CovCol) concept to reresent various "sets of cubes":
- Logical Group-ing of NWP models (e.g. forlders of atmospherics models, ocean models, ...)
- Defining semancics of NWP model run - each model run is a "simulation", while all runs for a simulation collection (SimulationCollection)
- TBD...
Use cases and examples
This list of use cases and examples was started as part of the
Met Ocean WCS plugfest at EGOWS 2017. The page contains the first feedback of trying these services.
Listing available model runs for GFS model
In the XML response, locate the wcs:Extension element. Each metocean:SimulationCollection subelement represent a different NWP models (e.g. NCEP GFS model) and each it metocean:SimulationMember subelement represents a particular model's run. The time of the run is store in covcoll:referenceTime subelement.
This request:
perfoms subsetting of the data for specified BBOX in CRS:84
- selects the vertical level to be 500hPa by
- selects validity (time) of the requested data by
you may need to update the absolute time to actual time in the future from the actual time
This services is provided as part of the H2020
EarthServer2 project (May 2015 - April 2018). More information about the ECMWF services can be found at .
Example: request capabilities from server
Example: get information about 2m air temperature coverage
Example: retrieve a 2D global field of 2m air temperature of 15 December 2013 in GML format"2013-12-15T00:00")&format=application/gml+xml
Example: retrieve 2m air temperature for a single point of 15 December 2013 in GML format,http://localhost:8080/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326(17.2)&SUBSET=Lat,http://localhost:8080/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326(47.2)