Performance and efficiency have been identified as a major concern fot the Met Ocean Community because :
- Meteorology has a permanent high rate of update of data
- Meteorology and oceanography involve large amounts of data
- Telecoms are often a bottleneck for our customers
Requirements, goals,metrics could be agreed in terms of frames per second for animation, seconds delay permitted for query retrieval or display … in order to set aims to the implementations experiments.
During the ECMWF Workshop in November 2009, the working group on Data Management and Visualization has identified several categories of users.
This different categories of users have differents requirements and constraints in term of amount of data and performances.
Users profiles :
Mass Market
- Pre-canned products
- Highest volume for severe weather (hit rates)
- Products should be simple (Umbrella? yes/no)
- Retrieval speed is not essential, visualisation speed matters
- Ability to have access to very large amount of data
- Speed is essential. LArge amount of data retreived
Decision Makers
- Pre-canned products are OK
- Part of the interpretation done upstream by a forecaster
- Speed matters. Update frequancy is important
- Each decision makers have their own requirements (yes/no decision, probabilities...)
- Focus on lead time
- Fast availability more important than accuracy
* Operational Forecaster*
- Information available below 3s (even 1s)
- Delays would interrupt thought process
- Must be accurate
- Pre-canned products are OK for making averall idea
- More Interactivity is needed for further investigation
- Tast oriented UI/Role based Workflow tools will improve efficiency
- Monitoring/Alert system should be made available.
Teleconferences minutes or working groups reports
*6 Novembre 2009

12th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, 2 - 6 November 2009. Working group report : See file attached
MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez - 08 Dec 2009