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Agenda The meeting was held at the Boston OGC Technical Conference, 16:00 18:00, Monday, 22 June 2009 16:00 Co Chair Report, covering: Co Chair progres...
Agenda The meeting will be at the Darmstadt OGC Technical Conference, 10:00 12:00, Wednesday, 30 September 2009 10:00 Co Chairs Report, covering: WMO M...
Agenda Agenda for the 2009 December 9th Met Ocean session at the Mountain Vue OGC TC 13:00 to 16:00 Mountain View time / 21:00 to 24:00 UTC Here is an update of ...
Monday 2010 03 08 16:00 18:00 Joint Met Ocean Hydro DWG * 16:00 Introduction, News, conferences etc (Hydro in Ispra, Egows at ECMWF, TC at NOAA, GIS/OGC at...
Meeting details Agenda Wednesday 22 September 11:00 #8211; 13:00 The telecon number will be 33 (0)1 72 15 58 37 For Webex, you will find on the Webex server h...
This page provides a forum to identify the core issues associated with the Common Conceptual Model developed to support the meteorology and oceanography community...
Minutes and Actions from Conceptual Modelling Telecons No Telecons are scheduled at present, as the engagement process will be discussed at the OGC TC meeting in...
This page provides an overview of the Conceptual Modelling activity within the OGC Met Ocean DWG Standards Incubation forum The OGC Met Ocean domain working...
This page defines the anticipated roadmap for the OGC Met Ocean DWG conceptual modelling activity Note that progress against this plan is entirely dependent on th...
The page is intended to provide a discussion forum for specific issues arising from the development and implementation of the OGC Met Oceans DWG common conceptual...
Agenda The meeting was held at the Boston OGC Technical Conference, 16:00 18:00, Monday, 22 June 2009 16:00 Co Chair Report, covering: Co Chair progres...
Repository of examples of Getcapabilities for Ensemble WMS implementations * Example from Deutscher Wetterdienst DWD The sample WMS Capabilities document from ...
Serving extra metadata about WMS Layers and map Introduction Many projects have a requirement to be able to serve metadata through a WMS that is not encoded in a...
Future Works of the Met Ocean DWG : It is time to define where we will go next and what will be the next focus for the DWG works. Several options are being consid...
Location: Athens, Greece Time: March 31 and April 1, 2009 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting Results * The Met DWG will be open to the broader met...
INSPIRE Thematic Working Group on Atmospheric Conditions Meteorological Geographical Features (TWG AC MF) Kick off meeting $ Disclaimer: This is my personal...
Proposals to improve the work process :ok: Main.MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez 29 Jun 2009
Use cases selected for the 1st WMS Interoperability Experiments for Best Practices (Time issue) Introduction These use cases have been selected out of the tank o...
The roadmap working group at the 2nd Workshop on the use of OGC standards in Meteorology (Nov 2009) agreed on the following actions : 2010 Jan : Write IE proposa...
Minutes and Actions from Met Ocean WMS Best Practices Telecons Telecons are by now on Mondays at 16 UTC but some might change to involve Australian or Asian part...
Conferences related to the Met Ocean Dwg points of interests This page gathers information about conferences related to the Met Ocean Domain Working group which c...
Met Ocean DWG, Mumbai, India, 3 December 2013 Proposed Agenda (Times are in Mumbai time =UTC 5:30) •16:00 16:10 Introduction and Welcome, and technology struggle...
Meeting details Agenda Tuesday 20 March 2012 09:00 11:55 (Austin time) : Met/Ocean DWG session @ Room : Longhorn 1.130 09:00 Announcements: 5 min and getting t...
Meeting details Agenda Monday 28 February 09:00 10:00 (Bonn time) (08:00 09:00 UTC) COVERAGE SESSION OF SHARED INTEREST * "Basic Geoscientific Data Categories...
Meeting details Agenda Monday 19 September 15:00 18:00 (Boulder time) (21:00 24:00 UTC) : Met/Ocean DWG session * "NetCDF announcement" Stefano Nativi/Ben Dom...
Meeting details Agenda Monday 28 November 14:00 17:00 (Brussels time) : Met/Ocean DWG session 14:00 Announcements: 5 min and getting telecon to work * OGC T...
Here is an updated detailed Agenda for the Met Ocean Domain Working Group, to be held at the OGC Tech Conf, Exeter, UK, Tuesday, 14:00 16:55 BST (13:00 15:55 UT...
Meeting details Agenda Tuesday 9 October 2012 15:00 18:00 (Seoul time) : Met/Ocean DWG session 15:00 : Announcements , Agenda: 10 min and getting telecon to wo...
The Met Ocean DWG will convene at 16:00 17:55 on Monday, 29 November, at the OGC TC Meeting in Sydney. The detailed agenda so far is as follows: 16:00 Announcem...
A useful current talk: * Overview of WMO involvement in OGC, February 2011 PowerPoint Past meetings with agendas and presentations: * 1st Workshop on the U...
Performances Concerns for WMS in Meteorology and Oceanography Introduction Performance and efficiency have been identified as a major concern fot the Met Ocean C...
MetOcean plugfest 2015 Where: ECMWF, Reading, UK When: 2nd October 2015 as part of the Visualisation in Meteorology week Outcome The general observation is tha...
Teleconferences Teleconferences are held biweekly or as needed via Goto meeting announced in the DWG mailing list and on the OGC portal. They usually take place a...
Note: PRIORITY USE CASES / themes 1 Aviation 1 Hydrometeorology 1 Climate science Institutional Use Cases These use cases are meant to document a set of...
Met Ocean plugfest 2017 Where: SHMU, Bratislava, Slovakia with the support of IBL When: 31 May 2017 as part of the EGOWS 2017 meeting Background The past years ...
This page includes only draft Best Practice documents. If you seek the final MetOcean WMS Best Practice document, you can find if on public OGC WMS standards site...
Please add questions, issues, etc to this page Issue and Works current status summary * : Impact on the Profile doc, : Comments, : Actions* Handli...
Please add questions, issues, etc to this page Introduction It is proposed to build the Met Ocean Best Practices document following the structure of the WMS 1.3...
To fill in the questionnaire, you must * Register to the TWiki (you can do it even without being an OGC member) * Edit the page * Add a row for your ans...
Synthesis of the Met Questionnaire on WMS date : 18 September 2009 Contributors : 15 contributions have been received (10 from OGC members) * 1 from an inte...
This page lists the topics that are of interest to the Met DWG community. These are topics that range from only needing discussion to facilitate agreement, those...
What is a Coverage Service? For a quick overview of WCS see . What use can WCS have in Meteorology? Meteorology routinely uses large...
The European Group On meteorological WorkStations (EGOWS) 2009 took place in KNMI in De Bilt, Netherlands from June 8th to June 11th gathering 43 participants fr...
When Web Map Tiles are constructed with, for example, wind arrows, the wind arrows may cross the boundary of the tile. Users and clients of the WMTS expect seamle...
Weather Exchange Models Introduction If we wish to have interoperability with a range of OGC standards such as WMS, WCS, GML, WFS, Processing and Sensor related ...
Met Ocean DWG 1st Interoperability Experiment volunteerings Please add you details if you are interested to participate in the WMS IE: Organisation Contact(s)...
EGOWS (European Group on Meteorological Workstations) is a working Group that gathers once a year developpers and users of meteorological systems mainly for forec...
Feel free to use this space to give feedbacks about any interoperability experiment you have implemented, formal or not. Results should be an agreement with all p...
Definition of a project of Interoperability experiment for MDWG Introduction The roadmap working group at the 2nd Workshop on the use of OGC standards in Meteor...
Met Ocean DWG INteroperability Experiments volunteerings * Answer N° * * Are you interested in participating in any Interoperability Experiments in the next fe...
Servers offering access to Met Ocean products (= ReSorted by type of data) Provider Type Service Contact Capabilities Comment Australian ...
This page will gather return of experience of Interoperability Experiments involving Met Ocean data __Whenever you test the interoperability between WMS clients ...
MetOcean plugfest 2016 Where: FMI, Helsinki, Finland When: 21 September 2016 as part of the EGOWS 2016 meeting Findings This was a follow up from 2016 see last...
Questionnaire on the use of WMS in meteorology and inter operability experiments The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) recently established a Meteorology Domain Wo...
Vertical Coordinate Reference Systems 1. At the OGC Tech Conference in September 2014 held in Calgary, Canada, an Ad Hoc Working Group on Vertical CRS was called....
Basic WCS 2.x MetOcean Profile principles * MetOceanWCSProfile currently focuses on exposing Numerical Weather Prediction forecasted model data. This data is t...
Based on the works made to define an extension to WCS for NetCDF, the aim of this work would be to evaluate how far this work could be reused or mapped to define ...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
MetOceanDWG Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the MetOceanDWG web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Statistics for MetOceanDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploa...
Use cases for WMS Best Practices Interoperability Experiments Introduction This is a collection of use cases being offered for the Interoperabilitiy Experiments....
Number of topics: 62
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