The meeting was held at the Boston OGC Technical Conference, 16:00 - 18:00, Monday, 22 June 2009
16:00 Co-Chair Report, covering:
- Co-Chair progress
MoU progress
- Met-Ocean DWG proposal
- Proposals for IEs
16:20 Announcements of other activities:
- ECMWF-OGC Workshop, 23-26 November, 2009, Météo-France, Toulouse, France
- EGOWS 2010 at ECMWF, Reading, UK
16:30 Talk: "Eurocontrol Activities Update", Dennis Hart, Eurocontrol, 15 min to be confirmed
16:45 Talk: "Towards a meteorological domain model: elements and actors", Andrew Woolf, UK Science & Technology Facilities Council
17:00 Talk: "Some WMO activities: WIS & VGISC, Chris Little, UK Met Office
17:15 Talk: “ WMS survey among Met Services”, Marie-Françoise Voidrot, Météo-France
17:30 Discussions & Motions:
- Any to do with work plan and IEs
- Way forward for Oceanography
17:45 Summary and way forward
- Any need for impromptu side sessions?
ChrisLittle - 5 Jun 2009
DavidArctur - 23 Jun 2009