Admin Tools

Manage the whole OGC Public Wiki site from one screen.

TWiki® version v2.1.9, Plugin API version 2.5

Web Tools Use to...
AIP8 Home of AIP8 web Search AIP8 web Recent changes in the AIP8 web Get notified of changes to the AIP8 web Preferences of AIP8 web Statistics of AIP8 web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
ASTROdwg Home of ASTROdwg web Search ASTROdwg web Recent changes in the ASTROdwg web Get notified of changes to the ASTROdwg web Preferences of ASTROdwg web Statistics of ASTROdwg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on SWE
AgricultureSummit Home of AgricultureSummit web Search AgricultureSummit web Recent changes in the AgricultureSummit web Get notified of changes to the AgricultureSummit web Preferences of AgricultureSummit web Statistics of AgricultureSummit web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
AustraliaNewZealandForum Home of AustraliaNewZealandForum web Search AustraliaNewZealandForum web Recent changes in the AustraliaNewZealandForum web Get notified of changes to the AustraliaNewZealandForum web Preferences of AustraliaNewZealandForum web Statistics of AustraliaNewZealandForum web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
AviationDWG Home of AviationDWG web Search AviationDWG web Recent changes in the AviationDWG web Get notified of changes to the AviationDWG web Preferences of AviationDWG web Statistics of AviationDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on Aviation Domain Working Group topics
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CATdiscuss Home of CATdiscuss web Search CATdiscuss web Recent changes in the CATdiscuss web Get notified of changes to the CATdiscuss web Preferences of CATdiscuss web Statistics of CATdiscuss web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on OGC Catalog Specifications
CDBswg Home of CDBswg web Search CDBswg web Recent changes in the CDBswg web Get notified of changes to the CDBswg web Preferences of CDBswg web Statistics of CDBswg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
CRSdefinitionResolver Home of CRSdefinitionResolver web Search CRSdefinitionResolver web Recent changes in the CRSdefinitionResolver web Get notified of changes to the CRSdefinitionResolver web Preferences of CRSdefinitionResolver web Statistics of CRSdefinitionResolver web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
CRSdwg Home of CRSdwg web Search CRSdwg web Recent changes in the CRSdwg web Get notified of changes to the CRSdwg web Preferences of CRSdwg web Statistics of CRSdwg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
CanadaForum Home of CanadaForum web Search CanadaForum web Recent changes in the CanadaForum web Get notified of changes to the CanadaForum web Preferences of CanadaForum web Statistics of CanadaForum web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
ChinaForum Home of ChinaForum web Search ChinaForum web Recent changes in the ChinaForum web Get notified of changes to the ChinaForum web Preferences of ChinaForum web Statistics of ChinaForum web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
CitSciIE Home of CitSciIE web Search CitSciIE web Recent changes in the CitSciIE web Get notified of changes to the CitSciIE web Preferences of CitSciIE web Statistics of CitSciIE web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
CitizenScienceDWG Home of CitizenScienceDWG web Search CitizenScienceDWG web Recent changes in the CitizenScienceDWG web Get notified of changes to the CitizenScienceDWG web Preferences of CitizenScienceDWG web Statistics of CitizenScienceDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
ClimateChallenge2009 Home of ClimateChallenge2009 web Search ClimateChallenge2009 web Recent changes in the ClimateChallenge2009 web Get notified of changes to the ClimateChallenge2009 web Preferences of ClimateChallenge2009 web Statistics of ClimateChallenge2009 web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on Climate Challenge - Integration Plugfest (CCIP) - 2009
CoveragesDWG Home of CoveragesDWG web Search CoveragesDWG web Recent changes in the CoveragesDWG web Get notified of changes to the CoveragesDWG web Preferences of CoveragesDWG web Statistics of CoveragesDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
DiscreteGlobalGridSystemsDWG Home of DiscreteGlobalGridSystemsDWG web Search DiscreteGlobalGridSystemsDWG web Recent changes in the DiscreteGlobalGridSystemsDWG web Get notified of changes to the DiscreteGlobalGridSystemsDWG web Preferences of DiscreteGlobalGridSystemsDWG web Statistics of DiscreteGlobalGridSystemsDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
EMSpectrumDWG Home of EMSpectrumDWG web Search EMSpectrumDWG web Recent changes in the EMSpectrumDWG web Get notified of changes to the EMSpectrumDWG web Preferences of EMSpectrumDWG web Statistics of EMSpectrumDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
EMspectrumDWG Home of EMspectrumDWG web Search EMspectrumDWG web Recent changes in the EMspectrumDWG web Get notified of changes to the EMspectrumDWG web Preferences of EMspectrumDWG web Statistics of EMspectrumDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
ERGuidance Home of ERGuidance web Search ERGuidance web Recent changes in the ERGuidance web Get notified of changes to the ERGuidance web Preferences of ERGuidance web Statistics of ERGuidance web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
EUforum Home of EUforum web Search EUforum web Recent changes in the EUforum web Get notified of changes to the EUforum web Preferences of EUforum web Statistics of EUforum web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
EarthCube Home of EarthCube web Search EarthCube web Recent changes in the EarthCube web Get notified of changes to the EarthCube web Preferences of EarthCube web Statistics of EarthCube web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
EnergyUtilitiesDwg Home of EnergyUtilitiesDwg web Search EnergyUtilitiesDwg web Recent changes in the EnergyUtilitiesDwg web Get notified of changes to the EnergyUtilitiesDwg web Preferences of EnergyUtilitiesDwg web Statistics of EnergyUtilitiesDwg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
GML Home of GML web Search GML web Recent changes in the GML web Get notified of changes to the GML web Preferences of GML web Statistics of GML web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on GML future direction
GeoSciMLswg Home of GeoSciMLswg web Search GeoSciMLswg web Recent changes in the GeoSciMLswg web Get notified of changes to the GeoSciMLswg web Preferences of GeoSciMLswg web Statistics of GeoSciMLswg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
GeoScienceDWG Home of GeoScienceDWG web Search GeoScienceDWG web Recent changes in the GeoScienceDWG web Get notified of changes to the GeoScienceDWG web Preferences of GeoScienceDWG web Statistics of GeoScienceDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
GeocodingAdHoc Home of GeocodingAdHoc web Search GeocodingAdHoc web Recent changes in the GeocodingAdHoc web Get notified of changes to the GeocodingAdHoc web Preferences of GeocodingAdHoc web Statistics of GeocodingAdHoc web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
Geospatial3DMS Home of Geospatial3DMS web Search Geospatial3DMS web Recent changes in the Geospatial3DMS web Get notified of changes to the Geospatial3DMS web Preferences of Geospatial3DMS web Statistics of Geospatial3DMS web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
HealthDWG Home of HealthDWG web Search HealthDWG web Recent changes in the HealthDWG web Get notified of changes to the HealthDWG web Preferences of HealthDWG web Statistics of HealthDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
HydrologyDWG Home of HydrologyDWG web Search HydrologyDWG web Recent changes in the HydrologyDWG web Get notified of changes to the HydrologyDWG web Preferences of HydrologyDWG web Statistics of HydrologyDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on Hydrology
I15swg Home of I15swg web Search I15swg web Recent changes in the I15swg web Get notified of changes to the I15swg web Preferences of I15swg web Statistics of I15swg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
ILAFpublic Home of ILAFpublic web Search ILAFpublic web Recent changes in the ILAFpublic web Get notified of changes to the ILAFpublic web Preferences of ILAFpublic web Statistics of ILAFpublic web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on Iberian and Latin-American issues that impact OGC and vice-versa
ISGdwg Home of ISGdwg web Search ISGdwg web Recent changes in the ISGdwg web Get notified of changes to the ISGdwg web Preferences of ISGdwg web Statistics of ISGdwg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
Ideas4OGC Home of Ideas4OGC web Search Ideas4OGC web Recent changes in the Ideas4OGC web Get notified of changes to the Ideas4OGC web Preferences of Ideas4OGC web Statistics of Ideas4OGC web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
JAG Home of JAG web Search JAG web Recent changes in the JAG web Get notified of changes to the JAG web Preferences of JAG web Statistics of JAG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
JSONsubGroup Home of JSONsubGroup web Search JSONsubGroup web Recent changes in the JSONsubGroup web Get notified of changes to the JSONsubGroup web Preferences of JSONsubGroup web Statistics of JSONsubGroup web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
JapanAssistance Home of JapanAssistance web Search JapanAssistance web Recent changes in the JapanAssistance web Get notified of changes to the JapanAssistance web Preferences of JapanAssistance web Statistics of JapanAssistance web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
LandAdminDWG Home of LandAdminDWG web Search LandAdminDWG web Recent changes in the LandAdminDWG web Get notified of changes to the LandAdminDWG web Preferences of LandAdminDWG web Statistics of LandAdminDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
MLSdwg Home of MLSdwg web Search MLSdwg web Recent changes in the MLSdwg web Get notified of changes to the MLSdwg web Preferences of MLSdwg web Statistics of MLSdwg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
Main Home of Main web Search Main web Recent changes in the Main web Get notified of changes to the Main web Preferences of Main web Statistics of Main web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...see who is registered on this TWiki
MarineDWG Home of MarineDWG web Search MarineDWG web Recent changes in the MarineDWG web Get notified of changes to the MarineDWG web Preferences of MarineDWG web Statistics of MarineDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
MassMarket Home of MassMarket web Search MassMarket web Recent changes in the MassMarket web Get notified of changes to the MassMarket web Preferences of MassMarket web Statistics of MassMarket web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics collaborate on geospatial and location based content
MetOceanDWG Home of MetOceanDWG web Search MetOceanDWG web Recent changes in the MetOceanDWG web Get notified of changes to the MetOceanDWG web Preferences of MetOceanDWG web Statistics of MetOceanDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on open standards for the Meteorology and Oceanography Domains
NREwg Home of NREwg web Search NREwg web Recent changes in the NREwg web Get notified of changes to the NREwg web Preferences of NREwg web Statistics of NREwg web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on NREwg
NetCDFu Home of NetCDFu web Search NetCDFu web Recent changes in the NetCDFu web Get notified of changes to the NetCDFu web Preferences of NetCDFu web Statistics of NetCDFu web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
NordicForum Home of NordicForum web Search NordicForum web Recent changes in the NordicForum web Get notified of changes to the NordicForum web Preferences of NordicForum web Statistics of NordicForum web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
OGC Home of OGC web Search OGC web Recent changes in the OGC web Get notified of changes to the OGC web Preferences of OGC web Statistics of OGC web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
PointCloudDWG Home of PointCloudDWG web Search PointCloudDWG web Recent changes in the PointCloudDWG web Get notified of changes to the PointCloudDWG web Preferences of PointCloudDWG web Statistics of PointCloudDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
QualityOfService Home of QualityOfService web Search QualityOfService web Recent changes in the QualityOfService web Get notified of changes to the QualityOfService web Preferences of QualityOfService web Statistics of QualityOfService web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
SWEProCitSci Home of SWEProCitSci web Search SWEProCitSci web Recent changes in the SWEProCitSci web Get notified of changes to the SWEProCitSci web Preferences of SWEProCitSci web Statistics of SWEProCitSci web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
Sandbox Home of Sandbox web Search Sandbox web Recent changes in the Sandbox web Get notified of changes to the Sandbox web Preferences of Sandbox web Statistics of Sandbox web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
SmartCitiesDWG Home of SmartCitiesDWG web Search SmartCitiesDWG web Recent changes in the SmartCitiesDWG web Get notified of changes to the SmartCitiesDWG web Preferences of SmartCitiesDWG web Statistics of SmartCitiesDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
System Home of System web Search System web Recent changes in the System web Get notified of changes to the System web Preferences of System web Statistics of System web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
TemporalDWG Home of TemporalDWG web Search TemporalDWG web Recent changes in the TemporalDWG web Get notified of changes to the TemporalDWG web Preferences of TemporalDWG web Statistics of TemporalDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
UKIAP2013 Home of UKIAP2013 web Search UKIAP2013 web Recent changes in the UKIAP2013 web Get notified of changes to the UKIAP2013 web Preferences of UKIAP2013 web Statistics of UKIAP2013 web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
UrbanPlanningDWG Home of UrbanPlanningDWG web Search UrbanPlanningDWG web Recent changes in the UrbanPlanningDWG web Get notified of changes to the UrbanPlanningDWG web Preferences of UrbanPlanningDWG web Statistics of UrbanPlanningDWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
Vocabulary Home of Vocabulary web Search Vocabulary web Recent changes in the Vocabulary web Get notified of changes to the Vocabulary web Preferences of Vocabulary web Statistics of Vocabulary web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on Vocabulary
WCTileServiceSWG Home of WCTileServiceSWG web Search WCTileServiceSWG web Recent changes in the WCTileServiceSWG web Get notified of changes to the WCTileServiceSWG web Preferences of WCTileServiceSWG web Statistics of WCTileServiceSWG web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
WPS Home of WPS web Search WPS web Recent changes in the WPS web Get notified of changes to the WPS web Preferences of WPS web Statistics of WPS web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics ...collaborate on OGC Web Processing Service (WPS)
WaterML Home of WaterML web Search WaterML web Recent changes in the WaterML web Get notified of changes to the WaterML web Preferences of WaterML web Statistics of WaterML web Bullet list of all topics Index of all topics
Other Webs: Trash.WebHome
Note: This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs.

Legend:   Home of web WebHome Search web WebSearch Recent changes in the web WebChanges Get notified of changes to the web WebNotify
    Preferences of web WebPreferences Statistics of web WebStatistics Bullet list of all topics WebTopicList Index of all topics WebIndex

All Admin Tools Category topics

  • AdminTools: Manage the whole OGC Public Wiki site from one screen. TWiki version *, Plugin API version * * ...
  • GregBuehlerLeftBar: Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook. My links: * ...
  • JoeBrumleyLeftBar: My links: * My home page * My activities * Admin Tools edit
  • KevinStegemollerLeftBar: Customize this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook. My links: edit...
  • LocalInstallLog: from: Release topic Date Rev Type Code Name Install Date Notes TWikiCairoRelease ...
  • UserPasswordTools: %IF{ "context authenticated" then=" "}%" }% %IF{ "$ LOGIN = '' and not context authenticated...
  • WebStatistics: Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributor...
  • WebStatistics2011AndBefore: Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributor...
  • BulkRegistration: Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and user topics) for a group of pe...
  • ChangeEmailAddress: Change registered email address %IF{ "context passwords_modifyable" then="$percentINCLUDE{\"Chan...
  • DefaultPreferences: This topic defines site level settings that apply to all users and webs on this site. * Note:* This ...
  • DefaultUserRegistration:
  • HierarchicalNavigation: Navigation block that displays the current topic, its parent and children (if any). This is intended...
  • InstalledPlugins: This site is running Foswiki version * * "}%, Release , Foswiki API version * Here is a list of ...
  • ManagingWebs: Browser based rename, move, copy, and delete for individual webs %ADDTOZONE{"head" text=" #creat...
  • ReferenceManual: Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other u...
  • ReleaseNotes01x00: Foswiki is an enterprise collaboration and information sharing tool targeted for professional use in...
  • ReleaseNotes02x00: Foswiki is an enterprise collaboration and information sharing tool targeted for professional use in...
  • RenameWeb: *
  • ResetPassword: %IF{ "{EnableEmail} AND context passwords_modifyable" then="$percentINCLUDE{\"ResetPassword\" sec...
  • SiteMap: This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. %SEARCH...
  • SitePermissions: Permissions settings of the webs on this Foswiki site Web Sitemap VIEW CHANGE RENAME ...
  • SiteTools: Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity Site Tools include utilities for n...
  • SkinBrowser: You can try out the Skins currently installed on this system: %SEARCH{ "1" topic="*Skin"...
  • UserForm: This is a maintenance topic, used by the Wiki administrator. Data form definition of user topics *...
  • UserRegistrationParts: This topic contains the pieces that are assembled into the UserRegistration page. There is no need ...
  • UsersTemplate: Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the sit...
  • WebAtomBase: There are several ways to find out what's new in each web: 1. Visit WebChanges to see recent chan...
  • WebCreateNewTopicTemplate: %{ ========================================= Create new topic template This template uses part...
  • System: This is where Foswiki keeps system documentation, including documentation that is included with opti...
  • WebLeftBarExample: " warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * %IF{"istopic ''" then="...
  • WebRssBase: There are several ways to find out what's new in each web: 1. Visit WebChanges to see recent ...


Administrators can enable and disable plugins using configure.
  • TWikiCompatibilityPlugin (06 Aug 2023, 1.12): Add TWiki personality to Foswiki
  • SpreadSheetPlugin (17 May 2023, 1.25): Add spreadsheet calculations like "$SUM($ABOVE())" to Foswiki tables and other topic text
  • SlideShowPlugin (09 Mar 2021, 2.40): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings
  • AutoViewTemplatePlugin (06 Aug 2023, 1.24): Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE
  • CommentPlugin (06 Aug 2023, 2.95): Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/save cycle
  • CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin (06 Aug 2023, 1.114):
  • ConfigurePlugin (06 Aug 2023, 1.12): configure interface using json-rpc
  • EditRowPlugin (17 Dec 2024, 3.402): Inline edit for tables
  • HistoryPlugin (05 Feb 2025, 1.21): Shows a complete history of a topic
  • HomePagePlugin (06 Aug 2023, 1.23): Allow User specified home pages - on login
  • InterwikiPlugin (06 Aug 2023, 1.27): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
  • JQueryPlugin (17 Dec 2024, 11.20): jQuery JavaScript library for Foswiki
  • MailerContribPlugin (06 Aug 2023, 2.84): Supports e-mail notification of changes
  • NatEditPlugin (03 Feb 2025, 9.71): A Wikiwyg Editor
  • PreferencesPlugin (06 Aug 2023, 1.16): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
  • PubLinkFixupPlugin (14 Sep 2015, 1.00): For non-utf-8 sites, fix up Pub links to use correct encoding.
  • RenderListPlugin (06 Aug 2023, 2.29): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
  • SmiliesPlugin (17 Sep 2015, 2.03): Render smilies like smile as icons
  • SubscribePlugin (06 Aug 2023, 3.7): This is a companion plugin to the MailerContrib. It allows you to trivially add a "Subscribe me" link to topics to get subscribed to changes.
  • TablePlugin (22 Jan 2018, 1.160): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
  • TinyMCEPlugin (11 Feb 2019, 1.32): Integration of the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Editor
  • TwistyPlugin (29 Jun 2023, 3.00): Twisty section Javascript library to open/close content dynamically
  • UpdatesPlugin (31 Jan 2025, 2.10): Checks for updates
  • WysiwygPlugin (13 Jun 2018, 1.38): Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
see also: Plugins

TWiki Version

  • Engine: v2.1.9
  • Plugin API: 2.5

Local Install Log

from: Local Install Log
Release topic Date Rev Type Code Name Install Date Notes
4.0.2 (r9626)
b4 2006-06-00
4.0.4 (r10807)
Hot Fix
Hot Fix
4.1.1 (r12770)
upgrade from TWiki to Foswiki
Production Upgrade
upgraded via update script; easy in-place 5mins
Production Upgrade
in place upgrade

Foswiki Information:

TWiki Information:


Site Stats: SiteStatistics

Logs: warnings - debug

How-to's: TWikiAdminCookBook, ReferenceManual, InstantEnhancements, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiAdminCookBook

  • You can lock down a web with a twikiauth/auth_twiki_ script and a entry in the apache.conf.

Rename Web from RenameWeb

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory, ReferenceManual

-- TWiki:Main.PeterMasiar - 02 Jul 2003
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Aug 2004
-- KevinStegemoller - 30 Dec 2005, 06 Apr 2006, 25 Oct 2007, 17 Sep 2008, 15 Dec 2008, 09 Mar 2011, 11 Apr 2011
Topic revision: r9 - 15 Aug 2016, KevinStegemoller
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