50 recent changes in WaterML Web retrieved at 02:15 (GMT)

Statistics for WaterML Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Validating WaterML 2.0 The WaterML 2 specification includes an XML schema and a schematron which is used to validate files. OGC official repository for WaterML 2....
WaterML 2.0 Getting Started WaterML 2 has a basic hierarchy, that covers the location, method/procedure, data values for in situ timeseries. Items you need to k...
Welcome to the OGC WaterML2.0 community wiki Best Practices, examples and user contributed documentation This site captures examples and best practices relate...
These examples are equally spaced values in which the client must calculate the time for each value. In case 1: measurement timeseries min daily discharge monthly...
WaterML2 requires the use of vocabularies and references in order to exchange information. Vocabularies Requirements: identifier that is resolvable (reference WMO...
Best Practice: WaterML 2 defines a single Sampling Feature, a monitoring point. Ideally, this is related to a SampledFeature. Future Hydrologic Domain Working Gro...
We anticipate that examples will be avilable from a public source control (subversion, git, mercurial). This will allow for offline testing and development of cli...
TODO: * RestAccess * OgcSensorObservationService Discussions from the HDWG * http://external.opengis.org/twiki_public/HydrologyDWG/SOSUsageAndServerTypeDis...
Multiple Observations with different observered properties can be returned (multiple locaitons, too). CUAHSI Example. MultipleObservations.xml this is an example ...
In this example, multiple processing levels are found in the timeseries Source: MultipleProcessingLevels.xml Local Dictionary: quality ...
In a SOS response, the collection metadata is in an extentsion and the OM_Observation are sos:ObservationData Sample File: sos_response_example.xml ...
Offset:The offset is contained in a qualifier, as a SWE quantity. This qualifier could also be aA local dictionary contains a a definition of the offset. This off...
* UseCases * BaseTimeandSpacing * OffsetOnTVP * AnalyticalReference * Detailed * MultipleObservations * MultipleProcessingLevels ...
Analytical Examples A related observation includes a link to a reference to an analytical information. Sample File: AnalyticalSamples.xml ...
Examples: * WaterML2 Collection * measurement collection_minimal.xml * measurement collection.xml * OM_Observation * measurement mininal.xml...
Point Examples: * Minimal * Local Dictionary 2011 11 16T00:00:00 11:00 2.0 ...
Exmaples: * ObsMeta_minimal.xml * ObsMeta_multiple_sources.xml Main.DavidValentine 26 Jun 2012
4.1 ft from riverbed (middle) Derived Value 999999.0 ...
* observation process Algorithm_withParameters.xml * observation process Algorithm.xml Main.DavidValentine 26 Jun 2012
There are several fragment components: Components: * MonitoringPoint * ObservationProcess * ObservationMetadata * LocalDictionaries * Source TimeVa...
WaterML Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #0174DF * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set t...
OGC Public Wiki's WaterML web
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
* .KevinStegemoller * .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;yourNOspamPlease.company
" else="OGC Public Wiki's WaterML web"}% /WaterML
Number of topics: 33

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r1 - 16 Feb 2012, GregBuehler
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