50 recent changes in Ideas4OGC Web retrieved at 11:50 (GMT)

%IF{ "istopic '.DefaultWebStatistics'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$perc...
Topic: Educational Outreach Develop high quality educational materials (intro, medium and advanced in Creative Commons licenses) as well as schedule regular webin...
The Ideas for OGC Effort The Ideas4OGC Effort grew out of several events in the first half of 2013, during which OGC Members and members of the public voiced vari...
Topic: Use GeoJSON The GeoJSON format is quite popular on the web. The OGC may want to adopt the format. However, while the format could be quite useful for OGC s...
Ideas4OGC Update on Ideas4OGC: Initial Recommendations (October 2013) Introduction Formally kicked off on June 20th, 2013, the Ideas for OGC (Ideas4OGC) process...
Main.TrevorTaylor 07 Nov 2013 Agenda 1) Technical/Policy Topics . There has been discussion that the below topics should be reviewed outside of the leadership gr...
Voluntary Leadership Group The leadership group consists of volunteers from accross the membership,the community and the OGC board of directors. This group provid...
Topic: Improve Communication The OGC includes many different participants working in many different work groups. Lack of effective communication between groups le...
Topic: Standard Quality versus Quantity There is a constant tension in development between doing less, but doing it well, verses doing more with less attention to...
Topic: Specification Document Names The names of OGC Standards have not been restricted so far. As more standards arrive, with possibly duplicate roles, the name ...
Topic:OGC Naming Authority: "Who maintains common infrastructure: the OGC NA registry and resolvers?" The OGC NA is responsible for many shared identifiers used i...
Topic: Adopt an active direction Certain topics are central to the work of the OGC and yet do not receive sufficent attention from the current system of voluntary...
Innovation Harmonization and Standards Life cycle management * How does OGC allow for innovation to happen to support technology and market shifts while mainta...
Topic: External Submissions How will OGC address externally submitted widely used standards, notably those that overlap or conflict with the existing baseline? Ad...
The OGC wants to improve. This "Ideas for OGC" (Ideas4OGC) Effort is collecting feedback, developing that feedback into a report which will be presented to the OG...
Topic: Integrate OGC Programs Consider improvements to address disconnects or tensions between the OGC Interoperability Program and the OGC Standards Program. It ...
Topic: Standards Diversity A number of comments over the last year have expressed concern that perhaps the OGC is being too inclusive, too diverse, and/or too bro...
Topic: Update Vision and Mission Statements The intial recommendations are found here. The OGC could update its vision and mission statements. The current vision ...
As part of the "Ideas for OGC" effort, I recommend we consider a new approach toward developing standards. The current focus is too much on writing the actual spe...
Topic# Topic Detail Comments Importance 1 TopicUpdateVision Review and update the OGC vision and mission statements. Comments 2 TopicSe...
Main.TrevorTaylor 25 Oct 2013 Agenda 1) Check progress on Pre ambles and leadership team response to public comments 2) Joint PC/Ideals leadership /Chris Holmes ...
Topic: Improve Communication The OGC includes many different participants working in many different work groups. Lack of effective communication between groups le...
Main.TrevorTaylor 17 Oct 2013 Agenda 1) Review the following links, which are not yet “live” on the public website: http://external.opengeospatial.org/twiki_pub...
Topic: OGC Architecture Board The OGC Architecture Board (OAB) is a formal group of members acting within the Technical Comittee. The group started with the missi...
Topic: Adopt an active direction Certain topics are central to the work of the OGC and yet do not receive sufficent attention from the current system of voluntary...
Topic: Standard Quality versus Quantity There is a constant tension in development between doing less, but doing it well, verses doing more with less attention to...
Topic: SWG Creation The process for SWG Creation might include more consideration of the impact of the work of that SWG on the rest of the OGC. Relations to othe...
Main.TrevorTaylor 03 Oct 2013 Agenda 1 Update from TC/PC and Board of Directors meetings 1 Next Steps 1 Moving the Rrcommendations to public page ...
Agenda * Provide a broad update/status of recommendations for Ideas4OGC as input to the summary for the Board of Directors meeting Attendance * Stan Tillman ...
Ideas for OGC Report This page will track the work on the report prepared by this effort for the OGC Members, OGC Officers, and OGC Staff.
Main.TrevorTaylor 06 Sep 2013 Agenda * Merged Topics Table * In XLS format for discussion, will be moved to private Wiki * Review suggested merges...
Main.TrevorTaylor 04 Sep 2013 Agenda •Sub group Updates •Progress Snapshot •Merged/merging Topics •Timeline •Validation Poll •Contents •Timing •Logistics •Meetin...
Main.AdrianCuster 26 Jul 2013 Additional comment(s): 1) Topic: SWG Procedure Create a more rigorous process/vote during the SWG charter process. Relations to ot...
Topic: Open OGC Processes The OGC has been criticized for being too closed, both internally and to the outside world. Internally, the processes of the OGC and th...
Topic: Specification Document Policies The policies and requirements for the creation of new specification documents are complex. This causes confusion. There are...
Main.TrevorTaylor 15 Aug 2013 Agenda 1. Updates a. TopicMissionAndVision meeting b. Planned meetings c. Staff support 2. Topic discussion convergence a. TopicSt...
Ideas for OGC Leadership Meeting 2013 08 01 Agenda •Topics Table •Topic Assignments •Capturing Results •Any other Business Attendance * Mark Reichardt (facil...
Ideas for OGC Leadership Meeting 2013 08 08 Connection info This is usually sent to the mailing list, see the mailing list archive. Agenda Proposed agenda Items:...
Topic: "CITE TEAM Engine Simple Install" CITE TEAM Engine Shrink Wrap NGA is creating a formal process to test its GEOINT applications for compliance with OGC and...
Topic: "Reference Implementation" "Can we rename these?" In the software industry, 'Reference Implementations' act as a completement to standards; such references...
Topic: OGC Architecture Board The OGC Architecture Board (OAB) is a formal group of members acting within the Technical Comittee. The group started with the missi...
Topic: Assess the various fora for discussion provided by the OGC The OGC provides various fora for discussion through ongoing teleconferences, the meetings of va...
Topic: Review and assess the Virtual TC Meeting The TC meeting of Spring 2013 was not held in any location but instead was a virtual meeting. Apparently the Plann...
Topic: Review the GeoServices Process It may be worth the time for some group to take on an analysis of what happened leading up to this vote. If so, it should be...
Topic: Specification Document Complexity OGC Standards are often very complex documents making the standards hard to read and implement. Relations to other topic...
Topic: Specification Document Format The current documentation production system, in which documents are edited in Microsoft Word and then published in Portable D...
Topic: Specification Innovation The OGC specifications must obviously evolve to support emergent technologies and shifts in markets. The issue of how this shifts ...
Topic: Technical Committe and Planning Committe Meetings Reduce the number of meetings. The number of meetings (4 a year for the TC) makes it hard to follow the d...
Topic: Formal Guidance Greater guidance to members on key issues is required. Vision and guidance on which standards to use for which purpose should be given by t...
Topic: Improve the Web Site Improve the OGC Website to highlight the main standards more prominently versus the extensions, with stats on implementations. It is h...
Number of topics: 50
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Topic revision: r1 - 07 Jun 2013, GregBuehler
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