50 recent changes in Ideas4OGC Web retrieved at 22:45 (GMT)

Topic: Distinguish Specification Role The OGC should distinguish 'cross domain' and 'domain specific' standards. OGC has standards that are specific to a domain (...
Topic: SWG Creation The process for SWG Creation might include more consideration of the impact of the work of that SWG on the rest of the OGC. Relations to othe...
Topic: Simplify Votes The current policies and proceedures for adoption votes on standards are too complex and need to be simplified. This causes uncertainty and ...
Topic: Use of External Resources for Standards development Several suggestions have been made that the OGC should use external, online resources for its work. A s...
Topic: REST A widely shared feeling among many OGC members is that the OGC should develop a common position on the use of RESTful design elements in its standards...
Topic: JSON The JSON format is extremely popular on the web. JSON however is just a data structure. The interoperable use of JSON requires the full definition of ...
Topic: Tackle Mobile How will the OGC address the shifting technological landscape, in particular the rise of mobile environments, given its work on the web. How ...
Topic: Self Assessment The OGC should underake periodic self assessment reviews of its work towards its mission, integrating a mix of textual analysis by OGC Offi...
Ideas for OGC Leadership Meeting 17 July 2013 Agenda This is the Kick off meeting of the leadership group. 1 Introduction 1 Information Collection 1 Val...
Ideas for OGC Leadership Meeting 25 July 2013 Agenda •Meeting Objectives •Shared Leadership Approach • Twiki –New Table Format –Proposed Layout Simplification •I...
Topic: Performance Metrics Note: This topic has been replaced by TopicSelfAssessment which expands the scope of the issue. (Metrics only serve as part of a proc...
Ideas4OGC Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set t...
Collection of Older Wiki Pages
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"Reduce the number of meetings" The underpinning wiki page Tc/Pc Meetings has lots of useful stuff only a couple of lines are about having fewer meetings. Mai...
Minutes from the teleconference during the 3rd session July 2nd Several of us had issues with GoToMeeting during the third session of the Ideas4OGC sessions of ...
Ideas for OGC Meetings The Ideas for OGC effort includes several meetings to gather feedback and provide updates on the work done. The meetings differ in who is i...
Topic: Topic Part Relations to other topics Related to Topic..., since ... Possible Actions Proposal Name Benefits Drawbacks Priority Resources Complexity ...
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Wiki Editing Resources If you are new to this wiki, you can visit the Beginner's Section. Advanced users may want the Wiki Text Formatting Rules or the full Refer...
Subject: TC Announce Strengthening the OGC Dear OGC Members: Over the past few months as the GeoServices REST candidate standard neared a vote, the extraordinary...
OGC Policy and Procedure Issues #VotingRules Voting Rules The current voting rules for the adoption of new standards have been criticized as confusing or overly ...
OGC Goals #ActiveDirection Active Direction Certain topics are central to the work of the OGC and yet do not receive sufficent attention from the voluntary colla...
OGC Future Technologies Several issues arise around the discovery and use of new technologies #RestDesign REST Design A widely shared feeling among many OGC memb...
Overall Objectives •The "Ideas for OGC" (Ideas4OGC) effort aims to collect feedback, ideas, critiques, and comments to develop ideas and plan actions to improve t...
Vision Mission Goals * A number of comments over the last year have expressed concern that perhaps the OGC is being too inclusive, too diverse, and/or too br...
Technical Discussions * What is the OGC position on JSON and GeoJSON? * How many of OGC’s current standards are suitable for cloud, mobile environments? For...
There is a constant tension in development between doing less, but doing it well, verses doing more with less attention to detail. As OGC standards are addressing...
Policy and Procedures * The TC standards adoption electronic voting process and application or too complex, confusing, and need to be simplified. Further, unde...
Mark, Athina, Good to discuss ideas with you today and apologies that i was late for joining the session (as unexpected urgent work stuff came!). As i briefly m...
Vision Can we word smith this in a way that will resonate with key high level decision makers, in a way that will make them say – I want to be part of that Get ...
Dear idea gatherer, here are a set of ideas that might help improve the working, impact, and standards of OGC. Caveat: I may lack knowledge of some OGC documents...
The OGC has a structure built around 4 programs: Standards Development, Interoperability, Marketing and Compliance. For the most part this structure has served th...
Leadership Discussions * Staff should take a more active leadership role in the work of the OGC standards development process. * Greater staff leadership ov...
Interoperability and Standards * General question: What is OGC’s position on advancing standards that overlap or diverge with the existing OGC standard base? A...
Documentation (Knowledge Management) * Publication of OGC standards documentation is outdated, the documents are difficult to navigate and read, and there are ...
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OGC Public Wiki's Ideas4OGC web
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Topic revision: r1 - 07 Jun 2013, GregBuehler
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