Topic: SWG Creation

The process for SWG Creation might include more consideration of the impact of the work of that SWG on the rest of the OGC.

Relations to other topics

Related to TopicSpecInnovation, since any restriction on the work of OGC Members implies a consequence for the freedom to innovate at the OGC.


It should be(come) a matter of good practice for spec proposition (including SWG charters) to provide a "state of the art / market" section justifying the need for a new spec, and likewise to convince that the spec writers are aware of existing technologies and will not invent incompatible wheels.

-- PeterBaumann - 30 Jun 2013

On behalf of Paula McLeod:

Members contribute significant time and money to participate in a SWG. More consideration should be made towards the decision to convene a SWG and ensure web architecture support to help guide the process.

-- TrevorTaylor - 15 Aug 2013
Topic revision: r4 - 20 Aug 2013, TrevorTaylor
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