Technical Discussions

  • What is the OGC position on JSON and GeoJSON?
  • How many of OGC’s current standards are suitable for cloud, mobile environments? For those that are suitable, we need examples and best practice documents.

OGC should seriously evaluate Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State as a guiding principle for OGC standards. This is the core of the foundation of the Web. REST is predicated on agreement over format. The interface is fixed: URI over HTTP. The format is up to you, so long as you don't start messing around with URI parameters, hierarchies, structure etc. You have to think about what the client must understand to interact with your service. If it has to understand how / what to compose in a URI, your service is not communicating state changes via hypertext. You were not that far off with GML, a few adjustments in thinking are needed is all.   The Web is based on web-iness, and that architecture should be reflected in at least some OGC specifications.

-- PeterRushforth - 08 Jul 2013
Topic revision: r6 - 30 Jul 2013, AdrianCuster
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