Topic: Assess the various fora for discussion provided by the OGC

The OGC provides various fora for discussion through ongoing teleconferences, the meetings of various regional fora, live TC meetings and the recent virtual TC meeting. By and large the live fora are greatly enjoyed. There are issues with the costs of travel to the fora and the costs of maintaining a four times yearly presence at the fora.

The technology of virtual communication is rapidly evolving. Indeed, the OGC seems to be using several different technologies depeding on the working group. It is unclear which platforms are in use and therefore hard for organizers to plan and for participants to ensure their machines and networks can support the system.

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On behalf of Paula McLeod:

OGC not well serving their core NA membership (no meetings in NA, yet Abu Dabi meeting very poorly attended). Given the number of members in North America, meetings schedules should ensure 1 meeting in NA per year.

-- TrevorTaylor - 15 Aug 2013

Topic revision: r4 - 20 Aug 2013, TrevorTaylor
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