Identifying potential synergies and mutual contributions between WMO-UNEP-WHO-UNESCO on in-situ water quality data observations, management and sharing.
Defining a WMO-UNEP-WHO-UNESCO coordination mechanism on in-situ water quality data observations, management and sharing.
Identifying the steps for the development of a joint WMO-UNEP-WHO-UNESCO work plan for regulatory and guidance material related to in-situ monitoring systems, from data collection to data sharing and use.
Identifying the way of interconnecting WHOS with GEMStat and other existing in-situ water quality data platforms and systems and how to connect these to the World Water Quality Assessment under development.
Identifying how to support the WaterML development in the domain of Water Quality: updating OGC WaterML -WQ Best Practice document with regards to evolutions in OGC APIs, and taxonomies/ontologies since 2014 and endorse an international standard on Water Quality data exchange.
Defining the Roadmap for an international OGC Interoperability Experiment on Water Quality data with pilot use cases (e.g., Lake Victoria, Lake Chad).