Welcome to the GeoSciMLswg web

Available Information


GeoSciML v4 will be documented as both an Abstract and Implementation specification. We anticipate only very minor adjustments to the abstract (conceptual) model from version 3.2.

The primary work for the SWG will be defining requirements based on actual or anticipated user scenarios for information interchange. These requirements will be used to specify requirements classes and conformace classes that in turn will dicate the schema packaging and namespaces for the XML implementation.

Discussion Pages






Leuven GeoSciML SWG June 25th 2019


Vancouver face-to-dace meeting, June 11th 2018


Orléans GeoSciML SWG, March 2018


Southampton GeoSciML SWG Meeting, September 2017

Vienna face-to-face meeting, June 29, 2017

Dublin face-to-face meeting, June 23, 2016

Ispra face-to-face meeting, October 28 - 30, 2015

Teleconference meeting, 16 June 2015

Tucson face-to-face meeting, June 29 - July 3, 2014

Teleconference meeting, 13-14 May 2014

Teleconference meeting (OGC quarterly meeting, Washington DC, USA), 24 March 2014

St Petersburg face-to-face meeting, 3-7 June 2013

GeoSciMLswg Web Utilities

Topic revision: r24 - 25 Jun 2019, EricBoisvert
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