Geological Survey of Austria
Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Wien, Austria
Monday, 29 May 2017
8:30am - 5:00 pm


  1. Welcome to the meeting and sorting out of any teleconference audio/visual issues
  2. Resignation of the current SWG Chair and election of a new one
  3. New hosting of website (Ollie Raymond)
  4. Status of GeoSciML with OGC (Eric Boisvert)
  5. Previous meeting (Dublin 2016) minutes and actions.
  6. Conversion of the group from a model development SWG into a Change Request management group
  7. Consideration of CR’s
    1. Sylvain Grellet, Ollie Raymond (GeoSciML -Lite gml:identifier, gsmlp:identitfier, specification_uri)
    2. any other requests for change
  8. Review of example instance docs and Schematrons (mainly the example instance docs)
  9. Future GeoJSON / RDF encoding of GeoSciML
  10. The future of the GeoSciML borehole standard
    1. cross-domain collaboration with OGC Geoscience DWG, GroundWaterML, Energistics, etc
  11. Progress with developers of client software
    1. ESRI (any developments?)
    2. QGIS AppSchema Toolbox (Sylvain Grellet to report)
  12. Promotional opportunities for GeoSciML
  13. Any other business

Meeting Minutes, Actions


Ollie Raymond (GA)
Mark Rattenbury (GNA)
Liu Rongmei (CGS)
Zhang Minghua (CGS)
Qu Honggong (CGS)
James Passmore (BGS)
Tim Duffy (BGS)
Carlo Cipolloni (ISPRA)
Eric Boisvert (GSC)
Christine Horfarter (GBA)
Marcus Sen (BGS, remote)
Jan Noessner (Dassault Systems, remote)
Sylvain Grellet (BRGM, remote)
Steve Richard (Columbia Uni, remote)

Ollie resigned and Eric accepted nomination to be new chair.

OGC specification approved late 2016. All on the OGC website now.

TO DO: Nillable properties need to be added to v4.1 schemas. Eric to do this. >> v4.1.1

TO DO: Ollie to update the website with v4.1 information, very soon - DONE Need to copy all the SEEGRID Enterprise Architect instructions to the GeoSciML website.

TO DO: Eric - Need to ask Scott Simmons/Greg Buehler to add links to HTML documentation on the OGC website. DONE

Decisions from Dublin
  • particleShape - consider changing the name of "shape" to "particleShape" - Done in EAP, agreed to push non backward compatible changes to 4.2
TO DO: Ollie to contact Scott Simmons to arrange

1. change of chair and DONE
2. change to RWG? (Ask Scott Simmons what is the implication) - RWG is not used anymore. remain SWG forever.

Change Request form Identifier discussions

see Tim Duffy's email summary

Problems with server software. Lack of software providers support for access to gml properties (ie, 2 namespaces) in SF0 services
  • ArcGIS Server cannot serve gml:identifier?
  • Mapserver (template) cannot force it to serve both gml:identifier and gsmlp:identifier
  • Geoserver requires AppSchema
DECISION: Remove GML3.1 limitation from GSML-Lite --> 3.2. Eric to draft a profile document to reflect these points.
  • gml:identifier will always resolve to itself (ie, the Lite feature)
  • gsmlp:identifier will always resolve to the full-blown representation in a non-hypermedia (non-LOD) situation (ie, the full GSML feature - gsmlb:mappedFeature for GeologicUnits, or gsmlbh:borehole for Boreholes)
  • when in a LOD situation, ideally the non-information resource should be in gml:idenitifier, but gsmlp:identifier can also rsolve to a Lite representation via content negotiation. Need to specify mime types for content negotiation - spec needs to be improved re mime types
  • gsmlp:specifiation_uri will always resolve to GSML geologic feature (eg, GeologicUnit)
Sylvain confirmed that all European EPOS services, such as BoreholeView trying to be 'Geosciml-lite' compliant services, do indeed need to be INSPIRE compliant. For Boreholeview this does not require a simple feature WFS but does require the WMS that creates by default the simple feature SF0 wfs in most software. The basic WMS simple feature single table just requires BoreholePurpose property to be populated and does not require any properties from the associated GML other than the geometries. These are available from whichever version of GML is requested to be served from the server software so there is no specific INSPIRE need for simple feature WFS using GML 3.2.1 other than the fact that INSPIRE recommends the use of GML 3.2.1 for its complex property WFS 2.0 schemas. Currently INSPIRE does not need or use simple feature WFS but does the associated WMS single table of properties. To help with future possible formal use of simple feature WFS by INSPIRE it would be helpful to add the simple feature gml 3.2.1 profile to GeoSciMl 4.1. Other reasons for adding the GML 3.2.1 profile were identified such as being able to use the WFS 2.0 storedquery capability ( WFS 2.0 requires GML 3.2.1 to be the default output GML, whereas WFS 1.10 mandates GML 3..1.1 as the default) and as Geosciml_lite simple feature services evolve to be used for Hypermedia they also would need the GM:identifier property available from the GML 3.2.1 profile.

Confirmation required from Scott Simmons about best way forward to add this GSML-Lite GML 3.2.1 profile to the standards.

UPDATE : See long discussion about nillable and identifiers attached to this page (Word document)

MetadataProperty - deprecated in gml3.2. We can keep using it, but would like to know why GML deprecated it ("prohibited" in SF), and what is it replaced by. What is the replacement? Found an emmail from Clemens Portele (2015) that said to keep using the deprecated element. If GML ever removes MetadataProperty altogether, we will add it back into GSML.

TO DO: Need example instance documents for GSML-Lite
  • Carlo will email Italian example to Eric
  • Ollie will email GA examples (Lite and full) to Eric
INSPIRE validation service - uses schematrons. Using it particularly for Geomorphologic Feature. Plan to extend to other GSML features. (Not working right now, but hopefully in a month's time) -

OneGeology cookbooks to be updated to reflect v4.1 - Marcus/James/Tim

GeoJSON encoding

ShapeChange can make JSON from UML. How does JSON deal with namespaces?

Sylvain experimenting with a JSON version of BoreholeView. Can 'save as' GeoJSON from ESRI ArcMap of a GSML-Lite wfs service. Also in QGIS.

Is there a use case for a GeoJSON encoding of complex GSML? Tim says developers are implicitly asking for it.

TO DO: Need a work item for JSON in the WG

- evaluate ESRI and QGIS JSON (simple WFS)

- check out ShapeChange for converting UML to JSON

ISO19150-1 and 19150-2 = rules to go from UML to RDFencoding.

- Eric thinks we can generate RDF that is very similar to GML schema

- TO DO: try ShapeChange for converting UML to RDF

DECISION: Eric to do - Communicate to the OGC Geoscience DWG (GDWG) that the GeoSciML SWG would like to participate in a GDWG working group to review the borehole models of GeoSciML, GroundWaterML, BoreholeML and WITSML to document the similarities and gaps between these models, with a view to publishing recommendations for a common borehole information model and transfer options. Send to Francois Robida (GDWG), Boyan Brodaric, Tony Boston, Ilya Zaslavsky ( (GWML), Rainer Haener ( - BoreholeML), Jens Richter...

TO DO: Sylvain to start the borehole process at EPOS WP15 meeting in Rome.

TO DO: Ollie will email the GA Borehole model diagram and EAP.

ESRI USA - working to deliver GSML Basic with INSPIRE "soon". "ESRI for INSPIRE" available to all OneGeology participants. Can get it through Enterprise licence agreements too.

QGIS - Sylvain showed presentation from Delft OGC meeting about developments in complex WFS handling in QGIS - Application Schema Toolbox plugin. Testing can be done through OSGeo 4 Windows >> Advanced install >> QGIS v2.99 / GDAL 2.2 nighlty build then adding the plugin

Promotional activities

TO DO: Publish a new article in a Geoinformatics journal describing GSML v4.1 - Steve availalble in August, Eric, Ollie, Marcus, Carlo,
Needs examples as well as a no-too-technical description of the standard. Borrow a lot of content from the OGC spec.

Set a start target date of August 1.

RFG2018, Vancouver, July
European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Inforamtion Systems, Barcelona, ??June
Topic revision: r13 - 31 Aug 2017, EricBoisvert
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