GeoSciML v4 teleconference - Tuesday, June 16, 2015 - 13:00 GMT
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Tuesday, 16 June 2015 at 11:00:00 PM |
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Tuesday, 16 June 2015 at 13:00:00 |
1. Report on change from FullMoon to ShapeChange and impact on UML (they need slightly different tagged values)
2. Need for clean up of tagged values
3. Issues with schema generation
- still a couple of things that must be edited manually in the generated XSD, but it was also the case with FullMoon apparently
- metadata comes from two different versions
- inclusion of GML 3.3 elements (might not be a problem after all, Marcus explained to me they are just extensions to 3.2 and not brand new version of 3.2)
4. Example instance documents for INSPIRE
5. Issues in the UML discovered during testing of Eric's schemas.
- EricBoisvert described some quirks of ShapeChange that required some manual editing of the schemas.UML tags (particularly encoding rules) that are required for ShapeChange are different to FullMoon's requirements.
- Have to use GML3.3 encoding rules to get ShapeChange to encode byReference tags. But then have to remove GML3.3 from the XSD files because we want to stick with GML3.2 in the schemas for the time being.
- EricBoisvert has generated one schema per UML App Schema package (ie, not one for every leaf package like we did in v3). This produces significantly less XSD files and it met with no opposition for the teleconference participants.
- Need to generate schema for GeologicTime app schema (like we did in GeoSciML v3)
- OllieRaymond will notify EricBoisvert when to re-run the schema generation after corrections to the UML have been made.
- Ideal target date is July 27 to get a robust set of schemas and HTML documentation finished and published (at least as a soft release) so that they can be used by EU EGDI and OneGeology. (Tim Duffy)
- Need to write a general GeoSciML schematron to enforce the use of basic desirable properties (eg: upperValue and lowerValue in GSML_QuantityRange, RockMaterial /lithology, Mineral/mineralName, Foliation/foliationType)
- need to compile this list of essential attributes for Marcus.
- All SWG members need to go through Marcus's schematrons and provide feedback to him on:
- the comments that Marcus has put in the schematron files
- the validity of the existing schematrons, and
- any additional required schematron constraints.
- Carlo is involved with a Natural Risk Zones project that has developed schematrons. Request that Carlo provide access for MarcusSen to these schematrons so that the GeoSciML SWG may learn from the work of the Natural Risk Zones project.
Example Instance Documents
- Discussion about using URN's or URL's. It seems that gml:srs EPSG references are the only place where URN's are still seen. Need to move to using URL's for EPSG references for complete consistency.
- MarcusSen circulated the draft INSPIRE GeoSciML v4 encoding cookbook for review and comments
- All SWG members need to contribute example instance documents. These documents can be as small or as large as you like, but prefer many smaller ones that show examples of just one feature class rather than very large documents. These smaller xml snippets can then be used in OGC spec documentation.
- TimDuffy to follow up with Tomas Lindberg about contributions to this work
UML Model Issues
- Need to further test the Event-to-Event relations part of the model. There are currently two ways to relate Events to other Events --> 1. via the geologicHistory association, and 2. via the generic GeologicFeature --> GeologicFeature association. This may create confusion among users. Need to have one agreed way of relating Events to other Events.
- GeologicEvent extension package needs reconstruction.
- Both OllieRaymond and EricBoisvert have noticed odd behaviours in EA - association links that have been deleted from packages, and classes that have been deleted from diagrams, have been re-appearing in the model and diagrams without warning. Suggest that these are bugs in EA? Ollie to raise issue with Sparx Systems.
- OllieRaymond described problems with the EarthMaterials model (eg, links between basic and extended) that needed fixing. Duplicated link from Layering feature class to lithology was removed too.
- Need to ensure that all associations have sequence numbers on them, and ensure that extension associations are encoded last in the order of properties (just for ease of XML encoding).
- EricBoisvert suggested that ShapeChange may be ignoring sequence numbers? Eric needs to check that ShapeChange is accurately implementing our sequence numbering from the UML.
- OllieRaymond suggested that we don't need nillable/voidable tags now that we have moved to "all optional". But the group agreed that nillable tags are still useful to be able to use the xsi:nilReason property, even on optional properties.
- Need to check that nillable/voidable tags are on all properties that require it - currently there are some properties that are without nillable/voidable tags.
Other business
- TimDuffy requested Ollie to find the GeoSciML statement of open source access so that we can add it to schemas and schematrons. (OllieRaymond notes that anything developed under the OGC banner is covered by the general requirement that all OGC standards are open source and provided free of charge).
- EricBoisvert circulated the GroundWaterML v2 draft OGC spec documentation as an example for the GeoSciML SWG. Eric offered to do a first cut of a GeoSciML OGC spec in the GWML style.
- GeologicHistoryRelation vocabulary needs to be published for GeoSciML v3.2 (TimDuffy to follow up with Tomas Lindberg and MarkRattenbury to get at least a first draft vocabulary compiled and published at