The starting point for the GeoSciML 4 XML implementation is a collection of requirements that correspond to known or anticipated use scenarios for geoscience information interchange. This page will start with a listing of requirements to start discussion. If the commentary/discussion on any given requirements becomes large, the discussion will be moved to a separate page. An outline of the approach to defining requirements and the patterns for modelling them is presented here:
Core Requirements
General guideline for GeoScimL v4 XML schemas:
- The GeoSciML v4 XML schemas shall implement concepts and attributes from the GeoSciML version 3.1 abstract model
- retain v3.1 attribute/property names wherever possible
- some attribute names are not unique (eg, role) and may need re-naming in GSML v4 to meet OGC rules (where are these rules? - OllieRaymond)
- test by inspection only
Requirement class that applies to any GeoSciML instance:
- Category (or 'term' or 'controlled concept') values are deliverd by a URI that dereferences to a SKOS or HTML representation of the category (concept)
- Each element that is in the substitution group for MappedFeature and GeologicFeature is identified by a gml:identifier value
- Any element in an XML instance shall be well formed and valid
- tested by XML schema validation
- Requirement that all URI's in a GeoSciML instance are resolvable HTTP-URI's
- qualified requirement for HTML (eg, concept URI must resolve to at least an HTML web page for the vocabulary)
Portrayal Use Cases
Also see -
Basic use case is to enable simple visualization services that can provide simple text description of features and categorize features using standard vocabularies of URIs that allow shared portrayal schemes (e.g. shared SLD docs) that can be used to harmonize views of data from different sources (e.g. One Geology).
- Portrayal for geologic units, faults, contacts
- portrayal for other geologic lines (folds, dikes
- display of other geologic features with linear geometry
- Portrayal of borehole collar locations, basic properties; sampling feature as index into information related to the boreholes.
- Site Observation portrayal
- support point sampling feature observations of any property that may be delivered via a soft-typed property/value pair.
- eg; physical properties such as density, porosity; measured orientation of fabric, for standardized portrayal of strike/dip data for bedding, foliations, fold hinges, etc...
- Specimen portrayal
- portrayal of specimen locations with basic sample information (ie, from O&M SF_Specimen)
- sampling feature location as index to information derived from samples.
- integrate with IGSN recommended content to assist with location-based sample search
- Natural geomorporphologic feature
- Carlo and Mike Craig to produce a proposed attribute structure
- Support basic lithology and age query on simple WFS, and rendering of WMS based on age and lithology
- support symbolization capabilities via OGC Styled Layer Descriptors
Geologic unit description
- Describe geologic unit composed of multiple rock types
- Describe geologic history of a geologic unit
- Support a geologic unit lexicon: part-whole relations (member, formation, group...), stratigraphic relations, provenance, usage.
- Describe extended geologic unit properties (body morphology, outcrop character, unit thickness...)
- Represent interval and intercept mapped features: formation tops from well, lithology interval log as colleciton of mapped features. All multiple logs from same well.
- 3-D well bore geometry. Serve borehole description with 3-D geometry for wellbore
- Describe fabric in rock or geologic unit; mapped featues for point location of orientation observation. (bedding and foliation description, fractures, joints, layering, non directional structures, lineation)
- Describe fault displacement and detailed displacement history
- Describe fault, fault segment, fault system
- fold, fold system, details of fold geomerty and geologic history, relationship between folds and fabric
Rock details
- Describe fossils as rock constituents, with link into paleobiology databases
- Describe metamorphism, alteration of rock or geolgoic unit.
- representation of geomorphologic units, both natural and anthropogenic; include type classifier, history/activity of feature.
Laboratory analysis and specimens
Need to determine how much of this might be in scope of
SensorML or other ML. Describe spectrometer (instruments), should this use
SensorML. Sampling processes; Review.
look at Starfish fungus language OGC 11-058
- Describe analytical process as extension of OM_Process and analytical work
- Describe isotopic geochronology result, generalized across wide spectrum of techniques
- Describe specimen sampling procedure, specimen preparation for analysis
Geologic time
- Represent geologic time scale as temporal reference system
- represent GSSP with bindings to location, observations, etc.
Data delivery collection
- Package and deliver a complete geologic data set with mapped features, analytical data, structure observations....
StephenRichard - 18 Jan 2013