In a SOS response, the collection metadata is in an extentsion and the OM_Observation are sos:ObservationData

Sample File: sos_response_example.xml

<sos:GetObservationResponse xmlns:sos="" xmlns:wml2=""
  xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:om=""
  xmlns:sa="" xmlns:swe="" xmlns:xlink=""
  xmlns:sf="" xmlns:sams=""
  xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../SCHEMAS_OPENGIS_NET/modified/sos/2.0.0/sosGetObservation.xsd ../../../WaterML2.0/trunk/Schema_RFC/waterml2.xsd">

  <extension xmlns="">
      <!-- This profile defines an extension that allows inline dictionaries to be encoded in the response along with 
                WaterML2.0 specific metadata -->
        <wml2:DocumentMetadata gml:id="doc">
          <wml2:version xlink:href=""/>
          <wml2:generationSystem>Sensor Observation Service 2.0</wml2:generationSystem>

        <gml:Dictionary gml:id="USGS_phenom_codes">
          <gml:identifier codeSpace="">phenom_codes_dict</gml:identifier>
            <gml:Definition gml:id="usgs_water_temp">
              <gml:identifier codeSpace="">00010</gml:identifier>
              <gml:name codeSpace="">Temperature, water, degrees Celsius</gml:name>
              <gml:remarks>USGS code for water temperature in celsius as adapted from</gml:remarks>

       <!-- snip -->

  <!-- The SOS response document is just a collection of OM_Observations with an extension point. It is similar to 
        the WaterML2.0 collection document, minus the points of extension used above -->
    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="obs_13">
        <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="tp_1">
          <!-- Timezone: CDT -5 UTC -->

      <!-- The time the CSV values were generated from NWIS -->
        <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="result_generated_from_site_time">

      <!-- values have been temporally averaged. Link back to original sensor information is provided -->
        <wml2:ObservationProcess gml:id="temporal_aggregation">
          <wml2:processType xlink:href=""/>
          <wml2:originatingProcess xlink:href=""

      <!-- Uses approach #3 (from diagrams) of specifying vertical offset -->
          <om:name xlink:href=""/>
          <om:value xsi:type="gml:MeasureType" uom="ft">1.0</om:value>

      <!-- references the internal dictionary code -->
      <om:observedProperty xlink:href="#usgs_water_temp" xlink:title="Temperature, water, degrees Celsius"/>

      <!-- Two options here: encode the monitoring point inline and reference from other observations where it is the same
                feature of interest or use an xlink to a SOS GetFeatureOfInterest call. See GetFeatureOfInterestResponseExample.xml -->
        <wml2:MonitoringPoint gml:id="MP_295554095093401">
          <gml:identifier codeSpace="">295554095093401</gml:identifier>
          <gml:name codeSpace="">Lk Houston at mouth of Jack's Ditch nr Houston</gml:name>
          <sf:sampledFeature xlink:href=""/>
            <gml:Point gml:id="loc_lk_houston">
              <gml:pos srsName="ESPG:4326">29.958833 -95.148833</gml:pos>
          <wml2:descriptionReference xlink:href=";agency_cd=USGS"/>

        <!-- snip -->


    <om:OM_Observation gml:id="obs_14">
      <!-- snip -->

-- DavidValentine - 26 Jun 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 26 Jun 2012, DavidValentine
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