Preparatory GtM telco to Boulder Meeting

  • Date and time: 2015-05-06 at 17.30 CEST.
  • Participants:
    • Giuseppe Conti
    • Ki-Joune Li


  • Discussion on the proposed agenda of the meeting in Boulder
  • Future actions for the DWG
  • AOB


The following draft agenda is set for the next Boulder meeting:
  • In Location Alliance coordination: architecture and use cases (by George Percivall, 30 min)
  • Location tracking and privacy (by Carl Reed, 15 min)
  • Update on activities of two EC-funded projects of relevance for the MLS DWG (i-locate and UNCAP) (by Giuseppe Conti, 10 min)
  • Use-case of IndoorGML for guiding blind people (by Ki-Joune Li, 15 min)
  • Classification of mobile location services use cases (by Ki-Joune Li, 5 min)
  • Discussion on editing of document on use cases, business models of relevance and WiKi catalogue of relevant technologies for MLS DWG (by Giuseppe Conti and Ki-Joune, 25 min)
  • Telcos, further meetings etc (5 min)
  • Any other business (5 min)

The DWG could start an action on GeoFencing starting from the identification of domains/use cases of relevance. The action will be will be launched in Boulder and may lead to the writing of a discussion paper. This action could also besides involving other players from ILA.

-- GiuseppeConti - 06 May 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 06 May 2015, GiuseppeConti
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