The following use cases have been identified in the health and care domain.


This work has been carried on in the context of the project Horizon 2020 Innovation Action UNCAP “iNteroperable Care for Ageing People” which is being funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement n. 643555 (

Related OGC Standards and non-OGC standards

The aforementioned use case will be addressed through the definition of a specific O&M Profile called AHA-ML (Active and Healthy Aging Markup Language), specifically designed to represents, through a standard information model, biometrics observations of relevance to the domain of AHA, to allow exchange of such data in a hardware-agnostic and manufacturer-independent form. The activities leading to the AHA-ML will be carried on in conjunction with the MLS (Mobile Location Services) DWG of OGC.

-- GiuseppeConti - 28 May 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 28 May 2015, GiuseppeConti
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