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Results from HydrologyDWG web retrieved at 09:58 (GMT)

Use case cross cutting issues Main.BoyanBrodaric 27 Nov 2012 I see mutual interaction (but not replacement) in the water volume and water quality "reporting" ...
CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System Project has developed services based infrastructure for publishing, cataloguing, discovering and accessing hydrologic observa...
Model overview (as of 13 November) This page describes the current state of the model, and poses some open questions to be address. The focus to date has been on ...
Meeting details Time: September 29 2009, 08:00 10:00 Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting held at Darmstadt. Remote Participants: Phone 1 641 715 ...
There are a variety of data forms that are being output and utilized by the community. Main.DavidValentine 09 Jul 2009
GW2IE Meeting 3 Tues 18 Dec 2012 Feature List Agenda * Welcome * OGC status update * press release public on 29 Nov 2012 * generated one in...
Delft Meeting This page contains information relevant to the Delft workshop held at UNESCO IHE April 11 14 2011. Agenda for meeting. * Confirm Agenda * De...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at Delft TC Venue: Room Q, Building 8 (Faculty of Architecture, Julianalaan 134), Delft University of Technology T...
Agenda for Toulouse Workshop Location and Date The location will be Meteo France (to be confirmed) on the 21 September 2010. More details will follow. 1. Addi...
Time: June 20, 8 8:40am, Dublin time Meeting Folder Linked Here. Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Dublin, June 20 24, 2016. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting ...
European Cross Border Surface Water IE Telco 20100412, 11:00 11:30 Participants * Carsten Heidmann * Simon Jirka * Stefan Fuest Agenda * action ite...
Use Case 1 Phone Conference: 30/06/2010, 09:00 09:30 Participants * Chris Michl (DLZ IT BMVBS) * Arne Bröring (52°north) * Michael Natschke (KISTERS) ...
Use Case 1 Phone Conference: 05/08/2010, 13:00 13:30 (CEST) Participants * Carsten Heidmann (disy) * Chris Michl (DLZ IT BMVBS) * Simon Jirka (52°north)...
Use Case 1 Phone Conference: 19/08/2010, 14:00 14:45 (CEST) Participants * Chris Michl (DLZ IT BMVBS) * Simon Jirka (52°North) * Ulrich Loser (GRDC) ...
Use Case 1 Phone Conference: 02/09/2010, 12:00 12:45 (CEST) Participants * Chris Michl (DLZ IT BMVBS) * Carsten Heidmann (disy) * Ulrich Looser (GRDC) ...
Use Case 1 Phone Conference: 24/11/2010, 16:00 16:30 (CEST) Participants * Carsten Heidmann (disy) * Chris Michl (DLZ IT BMVBS) * Simon Jirka (52°north)...
Use Case 1 Phone Conference: 12/01/2011, 14:00 14:30 (CET) Participants * Carsten Heidmann (disy) * Simon Jirka (52°north) * Sylvain Grellet (IOW Sandre...
Use Case 1 Phone Conference: 15/02/2011, 15:00 15:30 (CET) Participants * Carsten Heidmann (disy) * Simon Jirka (52°north) * Sylvain Grellet (IOW Sandre...
Note: I'm pretty sure I created this page about a week ago, but I can't find it anymore. And it does not appear in the history list. I'm pretty sure I did not dr...
Feature Model This page is for technical discussions on Feature Models to be used as part of the IE. INSPIRE Hydrography Data Model The INSPIRE hydrography data ...
Feature of Interest nested collection When dealing with very large collection of feature of interest, there is not only a difficulty in transfering the complete c...
Final Report Main.PeterFitch 13 Apr 2011 * OGC_SWIE_Final_Report_Draft_V1.0.doc: Draft Final Report
Meeting details Time: September 23, 2013, 15:45 18:40 (Mon). Time at other locations Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Frascati, Italy. TC Meeting Info TC...
Intro A list of endpoints offering GW information and\or observations based on existing systems in order for WMO CHy to begin GWML2 and related standards testing ...
# Model: Conceptual, Logical, XML Issue Date Submitter 1 Logical, XML Using Constituent as Feature of Interest 11 08 2015 B. Brodaric 2 L...
Groundwater Information Model Comparison Models * Groundwater ML1: documentation and paper * INSPIRE hydrogeology model: * Latest version (3.0rc2) a...
GW2IE Use Case 4 Discussion page This page has been created to collect discussions and ideas and keep the main UseCase4 page relatively clean. Main.JanuszMichal...
GWML2 Conceptual Model (GWML2 CM) GW2IE identified the need for a conceptual model (GWML2 CM), to guide the design of the logical model and derived encodings (e.g...
GWML2 GML Logical Model * SVN (subversion) repository for GWML2 Logical Model: https://xp Issues Resolved I have prepared initial version ...
GWML2 XML Examples Main.BoyanBrodaric 26 Oct 2012
GWML2 XML Schema Packages 1 Version 2.0 * Integrating schema (gwml2.xsd) * Main (units / aquifers, fluid bodies, voids) * Constituent (water...
Australian National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) to GWML2 Mapping Background This page contains various mappings between the Australian National Groundw...
Requirements Discussion (Issues and desicions about GWML requirements) Requirements class: observations (OM_Measurement) * featureOfInterest: There are two c...
Intro A list of vocabularies used by GWML2 endpoints. CAN Groundwater Information Network French Groundwater Information Network Federation University CeRDI Vi...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Workshop topic: Implementing GWML2 Venue: Gotomeeting: TBA Time: TBA Meeting Agenda and Outcomes * WMO and OGC Working with ...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Workshop topic: Implementing GWML2 Venue: Online TBA Time: March 2022, 19:00 21:30 (UTC) Objectives This workshop covered: * ...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Workshop topic: Implementing GWML2 Venue: Gotomeeting: TBA Time: TBA Meeting Agenda and Outcomes 1. TBA by GW SWG
Discussion for GWML2 CM 0.2 Please note that GWML2 CM 0.2 is strictly a "seed" model, intended to kick off discussion and stimulate revision. Main.BoyanBrodari...
Gaugings scope 1 Gaugings by themselves or in relation to ratings? 1 A block of all RatingObservations with reference to rating 1 A rating contains...
On 11/3 we discussed some generalities of the IE scope and implementation. Below is a more detailed proposal for what we'd consider for a prototype SOS service. ...
Meeting details Time: June 11, 2014, 13:00 16:00 CEST UCT 2 (Wednesday) Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. TC Meeting Info TC Meeting...
GetCapabilities use case Note: page format will be formalised / cleaned up as we go. The GetCapabilities document is mainly used for discovery of what the service...
Get an Observation at a location This use case is to get an observation at a specific location. There is a nice BBOX example in OGC 06 009r6 ( that I hav...
GotoMeeting Joining Details 1. Please join my meeting, Fri Jun 17th 2:30 AM EDT. 2. Use your microphone and speakers...
GotoMeeting Joining Details 1. Please join my meeting, Mon Jun 13th 3:00 AM EDT. 2. Use your microphone and speakers...
GotoMeeting Joining Details 1. Please join my meeting, Thu Jun 16th 2:30 AM EDT. 2. Use your microphone and speakers...
GotoMeeting Joining Details 1. Please join my meeting, Tue Jun 14th 2:30 AM EDT. 2. Use your microphone and speakers...
GotoMeeting Joining Details 1. Please join my meeting, Wed Jun 15th 2:30 AM EDT. 2. Use your microphone and speakers...
Governance Communication Email. A Separate email list has been up for RGS working group : * Subscribe :
We will need to begin to have some goverance of additional common named parameter, if information exchange is to be maintained. The HDWG will need to decide when ...
Number of topics: 50
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