


A Separate email list has been up for RGS working group :
  • Subscribe :
  • Email :
This email group is the primary communication medium outside of meetings.

To ensure the HydroDWG is aware and informed on RGSWG activities we will try to complete a HYDWG update email monthly, communicated through the HDWG email list.


The RGSWG came together at Reading over 20-22 June 2012. The intensive was a launch activity the enabled detailed scope work for ratings to be completed. Telecons will be scheduled over the following year to progress the work.


Decisions relating to the business of the RGSWG can be made at any scheduled RGSWG meeting. There are no minimum quorum requirements, as the objective is to enable business to process with minimum delays. In voting for decisions, each organisation in the RGSWG has one vote.

Decisions are recorded in the RGS Activity Register. Once decisions are registered members are advised of the decision via the email group, there is a two week review period following a decision to enable members not present at decision making meeting to comment. After the review period decisions will have their status updated to ‘approved’ or ‘declined’.

Review of existing, approved, decisions is a new decision.


Membership is open to any interested OGC Hydrology domain working group members. There are no pre qualification periods. New members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the activity register to ensure they are aware of decisions that the group has already taken. There is an objective to maintain continuity and progress of group business and not have significant review of past business as a result of new member inclusion.

Workshop discussion notes

Consider the activities objectives for the following year and defining logical phases of development with the objective of minimising rework though. Would include, locking down requirements and methods for changing requirements.

What is the core scope?

CIDA: Blitz planning. Bring everyone together. Vote using fib cards against user stories (2 week start). Mechanism to prioritise stories. Obtainable chunks of work.

Roadmap of objectives, goals, times.

Votes on scope decisions?

Potential to move it into the HydroDWG as as community standard.
  • How to operate as a community standards
  • GitHub or other alternatives for hosting code, schemas, wikis.
Use the teleconference for raising issues that need to be voted on. Record minority opinion. Revisiting issues that were raised. 2 weeks available to raise objection to decision. Do we have the right group of people?

The intention in discussion governance is not to be overly formal or prescriptive as this is a co-operative working group. The objective is to set some basic rules of operation to enable all members that have equal contribution.

-- PaulSheahan - 06 Jul 2012
Topic revision: r3 - 17 Aug 2012, PaulSheahan
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