European Cross-Border Surface Water IE

Telco 20100412, 11:00 - 11:30

  • Carsten Heidmann
  • Simon Jirka
  • Stefan Fuest
  • action items for the IE proposal
  • roadmap and responsibilities for this IE


# Topic Action Who When
1 finish proposal text add missing participants to proposal all 16.04
2 finish proposal text extend description for the European IE

text is in the TWiki:
all 16.04.
3 finish proposal text review requirements for participation in IE all 16.04
4 french involvement update IOW-Sandre on decisions of this telco Carsten 12.04.
5 involvement of DLZ-IT update Dietmar Mothes on decisions of this telco Carsten 12.04.

Next Telco

Not fixed yet, but since we put a deadline on the 16th, there may be a telco on April, 19th at short notice.

-- CarstenHeidmann - 12 Apr 2010
Topic revision: r4 - 30 Jun 2010, CarstenHeidmann
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