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Results from HydrologyDWG web retrieved at 13:07 (GMT)

Meeting input documents Meeting slides Wiki page attachment Scenario Overview IE Overview Links from slides WaterML2 RGS Discussion paper https://portal....
API Development topics This page holds a collection of links to pages relating to API development. Requirements * User Questions : Explorers the user questio...
Meeting details Time: Wednesday, June 3, 13:00 14:45 US MDT / 1900 UTC ( p1=1243 ah=2) Venue: ...
We've had a number of discussions on the naming of classes as well as coming up with a core glossary. Due to a few iterations on the model and the naming discussi...
Model overview (as of 13 November) This page describes the current state of the model, and poses some open questions to be address. The focus to date has been on ...
Hydrology Domain Working Group Meeting details at Delft TC Venue: Room Q, Building 8 (Faculty of Architecture, Julianalaan 134), Delft University of Technology T...
Meeting details Time: September 23, 2013, 15:45 18:40 (Mon). Time at other locations Venue: OGC Technical Committee Meeting in Frascati, Italy. TC Meeting Info TC...
Governance Communication Email. A Separate email list has been up for RGS working group : * Subscribe :
Agenda * Review current model * Open questions * Timeline to Redlands and beyond Attendees * Paul Sheahan, Matt Fry, Peter Taylor, Doug Palmer, Michael...
Meeting 17th June, 2012 Agenda 1 Discuss domain scope of information model and requirements 1 Form core use cases and exchange scenarios 1 Prepare for R...
Agenda * Decision points review * Range values * Possible scenarios and examples from organisations. What type of metadata do people want to see represen...
2013 09 27 US UK IE Meeting updated Sep 27, 2013 by Taylor, Peter (CCI, Hobart) Attendees * Paul Sheahan, Dave Briar, Dave Valentine, Matt Fry, Brian G...
Relationship to relevant (feature) models HY_Features HY_Features model has some logical connection points through the related features in the HY_SurfaceWaterBod...
Involvement, motivation and constraints Develop a clear understanding of each organisation's motivation for involvement, ability to contribute and any constraints...
Google docs Google docs is up there in terms of functionality and most people have a good accound of some sort. Please go here:
Member Organisation Objectives A listing of high level objectives that are the motivation behind trasfering Ratings, Gaugings and River Cross Section data (RGS). ...
Hydro DWG Workshop Quebec City 2013 * Dates: 17 21 June 2013 * Venue: Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) Quebec Office and Institut National de la Recherch...
RGS Glossary of terms This glossary is a list of terms for concept employed in WaterML2 Part 2. The actual term may change over time as we refine terminology, the...
Agenda items for meeting * Status/progress of implementations * Scenarios and scope * Implementation questions * How to handle vocabularies: local ...
This page caputres details relating to the WaterML2.0 part 2 IE Planning The OGC process to get an IE started is summarised in the following diagram: The activit...
Agenda * Browser dependency (HTML headers) * WIRADA Demo * Presentations at HDWG in Geneva * API Core calls * Python Validator * Links and/or Actu...
Agenda 1 Update on services and web client 1 IDs, links, 1 Addressing objects directly by ID 1 Remove the need to address individual object...
RGS Range Values This page is for the collection of details that describe the range values concept, further child detail pages may be added if necessary. Activi...
Ratings Gaugings and Section Working Group Membership The RGS WG was formed at the Reading workshop 20 22 June 2012 Member Organisation Date joined ...
Ratings notes Workshop The workshop notes original can be found in google docs : RdIMqNyD5A...
Deltaeres 1 Fitting of rating curve USGS HydroML 1
Rating conversion transitions / phased change The reading workshop inclued a requirement for the inclusion of tranistions : rgs 13 "The use of conversion transi...
Main.PaulSheahan 21 Nov 2013 Background At the Quebec workshop we talked about the implementation of ratings shifts in WML2.P2. The discussion was around reversi...
Ratings and Gaugings workshop The work shop was held over 20 22 June 2012. This page was used in the planning and now hods reference to notes as well as the plann...
Sample Data UK Environment Agency * Spread sheet of common RGS data EA_44810_GSDQ_summary.xlsx Australian BOM * WDTF : Ratings and gaugings * WDTF Sect...
Agenda Questions to cover (from Brian) 1) What "latest" refers to. It's not always possible for to determine the latest rating is. Restrict to 'simple ratings'....
Setting up UML for RGS If you are using a vmware instanace, don't try to put things on virtual shared drives. Store things within the vm. Or odd lock ups happen. ...
WaterML2 Part 2 Standards Working Group Primary Editor Peter Taylor CSIRO Australia Chair Paul Sheahan BOM Australia Formation / First meetin...
Welcome to the Hydrology Domain Working Group Overview The ability to easily exchange water information in a timely and useful fashion is becoming increasingly i...
Statistics for HydrologyDWG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uplo...
Ratings, Gaugings and Section workshop agenda Timings Start 09:00 Catch 08:30 bus from infront of the Ibis Involvement, motivation and constraints Develop a c...
Top level page Ratings page
Number of topics: 37
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