- Review current model
- Open questions
- Timeline to Redlands and beyond
- Paul Sheahan, Matt Fry, Peter Taylor, Doug Palmer, Michael Natschke, Dave Briar, Dave Valentine, Dave Blodgett, Gavin Walker
Meeting notes
Model overview
- Upper/lower limits. May crossover with the range values?
- Define specifc range values. Create a tighter connection between the range values and the coversions. Two ways: an explicit relationship to conversion and the ability to transfer separately.
- Units of measure for the parameters; should they be represented within the conversion class? currently down in the IV/DV table tuple.
- Capturing the description of parameters. Need to be consistent with part 1. May use the same local dictionary for params?
- Transition period. Put Paul's
document up on wiki. Model the approach both ways. Email on preferences.
- Range values: water quality thresholds, other approaches -- more complex thresholds. May have an algorithm for the values of the range type. Work on list of common types.
- What does the MP actually represent? E.g. mutliple flow series at locations close
- Do we need reason for inclusion/exclusion of gaugings? Could be a second pass on this. GW: could be an extension class from a general process class.
- Show example of usage. How does it relate to the phenomenon types?
- 3d ratings out of scope for first pass; may daisy chain.
- UML model setup to list and wiki.
Next steps
- Presenation to Redlands TC at the
HydroDWG session on the 16th Jan: We will forward around the draft presentation.
PeterTaylor - 13 Dec 2012