Ratings, Gaugings and Section workshop agenda
Start 09:00 - Catch 08:30 bus from infront of the Ibis
Involvement, motivation and constraints
Develop a clear understanding of each organisations motivation for involvement, ability to contribute and any constraints.
Workshop output
Agreeing on a workshop note taking method and output objectives.
Consider the activities objectives for the following year and defining logical phases of development with the objective of minimising rework though.
Would include, locking down requirements and methods for changing requirements.
Organisation Objectives
Review, understand and summarise the RGS objectives of the organisations involved.
Organisation Objectives
Domain topics
This is where all the time will go. For each of the domain topic apply the development methodology
- Ratings
- Ga(u)gings
- Sections
The objective for each topic is the have a level of defintion on the Scope and a strawman model. The topics are listed in a time prioirty order.
Development Methodology
- Articulate organisation topic requirements
- Sharing of organisation models
- review of requirements to define scope
- Identify common elements from organisation inputs, consider how these can be used to meet the scope requirements
- identify core components v componets for local extension
- Straw man modelling with EA and white board
PaulSheahan - 06 Jun 2012