WMO/OGC Hydrology Domain Working Group & RDA Global Water Information Interest Group meeting

Joint working session of the WMO/OGC Hydrology Domain Working Group at Orleans TC meeting and RDA Global Water Information Interest Group at Berlin 11th Plenary.

Meeting details at Orleans TC

Venue: Orléans Conference Center, 9 Place du 6 June 1944, 45100 Orléans, France

Time: 14:30 Wednesday 21 March 2018 CET

Link to Orleans TC meeting agenda

GotoMeeting Joining Details

1. Please join my meeting, Wed Mar 21st 9:30 AM EDT USA (14:30 CET Europe)

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

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Access Code: 141-567-437 Audio PIN will be displayed upon joining the web session.

Draft meeting agenda

  1. Groundwater level forecast using SensorWeb flows : "MétéEAU des nappes" BRGM project (Hélène Bessière)
  2. Summary of results and demonstration of ELFIE (ELFIE lead - Dave Blodgett, Sylvain Grellet)
  3. Other recent OGC HDWG activities
    • ontology primers : HY_Feature, GWML2, GeoSciML (overlapping with GeoscienceDWG) : Eric Boisvert, Sylvain Grellet, Rob Atkinson
  4. Water data portals review and discussion (RDA co-chairs)
  5. Water data standardization, and vocabularies (S. Grellet)
  6. Overview of RDA outcomes, and RDA GWIIG coordination with other RDA groups (water data citation, data rescue) (RDA co-chairs)
  7. Aligning priorities and roadmaps of OGC/WMO HDWG and RDA GWIIG (RDA co-chairs; discussion)

-- Main - 15 Feb 2018
Topic revision: r8 - 14 Jun 2018, TonyBoston
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