Venue: Virtual

Day 1: Tue May 30th 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT.

Day 2: Wed May 31st 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT.

DRAFT Agenda:

Day 1:

- Water Quality IE Update (Sylvain Grellet) : 30 minutes including discussion -> presentation

- Introducing 2 research projets targeting to contribute to HydroDWG related standards and best practices (Sylvain Grellet) : 30 minutes including discussion -> presentation - OMS Update (Kathi Schleidt) : 30 minutes including discussion -> presentation

- WMO Expert Team on Data Requirements for Climate Services: 30 minutes including discussion

- WMO WHOS and UN Water Conference, progress and context for needs: 30 minutes including discussion

- Business case for HydrologyDWG activities. How can we provide value and attract engagement from members?
  • Round robin on upcoming work that could sync up with other HDWG members.
  • Discuss / brainstorm concepts for next phase work
Day 2:

- HydrologyDWG charter and workplan review: 30 minutes including discussion.

- Review business case outcomes from day 1 and plan objectives for HydrologyDWG in coming years: 30 minutes

-- DavidBlodgett - 28 Apr 2023
Topic revision: r8 - 05 Jun 2023, DavidBlodgett
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