Based on the dialog and outcomes of the 3D Geospatial Modeling and Simulation Summit held in Orlando in September 2016, the organizers of the Summit have prepared a Wiki containing presentations from that event ( http://external.opengis.org/twiki_public/Geospatial3DMS/WebHome).

Results from the Orlando Summit were encouraging, with a subset of the audience expressing significant interest to plan and advance a standards-based capability demonstration for implementation as part of a future Operation Blended Warrior event. A goal would be to leverage current technologies enabled by SISO, OGC and other open standards to generate a new terrain data set for use in OBW 2018.

At an informal strategy session held in Orlando in April 2017, a draft “way forward” roadmap was developed. The roadmap focuses on sustaining dialog on possible activities to broaden the impact of open standards in the M&S community, and to further advance the concept of a global model of the earth achieved through community-wide implementation of standards-based interoperability. Both the roadmap and summary minutes of the meeting are available below.
Topic revision: r9 - 28 Feb 2018, MarkReichardt
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