-- MarkReichardt - 28 Feb 2018

14 February 2018 Planning Session (St Petersburg, FL)


As part of the 3D Geospatial M&S Summit II eventheld in conjunction with I/ITSEC on 29 November 2017 at the Orlando Convention Center, Summit organizers agreed to convene a planning session in early 2018, comprised of 3D Geospatial M&S principals and their appointed support representatives, to review interoperability progress to date, and recommend specific activities for action in 2018 and beyond.

On 14 February 2018, principals met as part of a small workshop held at the Unclassified Test Bed facility in St. Petersburg. The goal of the planning session was to identify where the user community and SDOs were focusing efforts, to acknowledge progress to date on collaborative interoperability advancement, and to identify several areas for very near term joint collaboration, which is the objective of our USGIF, SISO and OGC project with the 3D Geospatial M&S community. In attendance were representatives from SOCOM, SECORE, DMSCO, USGIF, SISO, USACE AGC, and NGA.

The following is a summary of the topics and outcomes of the workshop:

Progress to date

There are several areas of progress identified in recent 3D Geospatial M&S Summits, that are indicators of progress:
  • GeoPackage extensions – being advanced by SOCOM, SOFWERX (for SOCOM), SECORE, and in OGC through recent testbed initiatives. All partners are working through the OGC GeoPackage Standards Working Group and in separate projects to develop, test and validate extension of importance to the 3D Geospatial M&S community
  • Integration of urban models across CDB, CityGML and other models – OGC testbed 13 and SOCOMs Rapid 3D Terrain Database Generation activities have been leading these efforts

Planned / potential future project activities

The following is a summary of initiatives that offer opportunity for near-term collaboration to accelerate and enrich 3D Geospatial M&S interoperability:

  • Semantic mediation between key M&S and Geospatial data models / vocabularies
    • Mediate between community schema NAS, DGIWG…
    • Indoor (e.g. Ultra HR Building now encoded in CDB) and Outdoor
    • Include consideration of RIEDP work to date
    • Consider joint interoperability pilots, testbed threads, or experiments using OGC Innovation Program approach
    • Ability to work openly and broadly in the industry community, with down select into controlled unclassified and classified environments for further assessment
    • Leverage work on semantic mediation between 3D building and infrastructure models being performed by the joint OGC - buildingSMART International Integrated Digital Built Environment (IDBE) Working Group
    • Leads: SISO (Graham, Marrou), OGC (Bermudez, Hobona),
  • Hackathons, Challenges – several hackathons, challenges are being planned for 2018. We agreed to investigate the scheduling, possible co-branding, joint outreach regarding these events, and to address Intellectual Property Rights handlin
    • SOFWERX Geo Hack-n-Hunt (https://www.sofwerx.org/geo/) in concert with GEOINT 2018 focusing on GeoPackage , sensor standards and limited / disconnected ops
    • OGC WFS 3 Hackathon focusing on light weight “elemental” OGC candidate standards
    • Joint W3C OGC Augmented Reality (AR) Pilotwith possible thread to advance CDB in an urban 3D AR gaming engine.
    • SOFWERX AR Challenge (https://www.teamwerx.org/geo-hack-n-hunt-prize-challenges/) using draft Related Tables Extension to OGC GeoPackage
    • NGA (Rathbun) mentioned possible connectivity with NGA Ventures and Innovation program
    • Leads: SOCOM (Raymie), SOFWERX (Birch)OGC (Reichardt),
  • GeoPackage Enhancements and extensions to support Simulation / Field Deployment
    • Multiple efforts presently ongoing SOCOM, SOFWERX, SECORE and CDB are relevant
    • Near term assessment needed to identify opportunities for deeper collaboration
    • Verify that outcomes of all events are being fed into the OGC GeoPackage SWG
  • CDB 2.0 development (OGC CDB Standards Working Group)
    • The CDB 2.0 revision which is in work by the OGC CDB Standards Working Group, will work to further align with international standards, and seek input on new requirements and functionality needed by the community
    • The SWG would benefit from an expanded discussion of requirements generation, use cases, as well as emphasis on Identifying areas in revision that impact backwards compatibility
    • Identify a process to expand participation and input to the SWG for requirements, and for sponsorship for future Innovation Program / joint Initiatives
    • Leads: OGC CDB SWG chair (Graham) and SOCOM (Miller) to discuss
  • Persistent networked resources for joint testing, experimentation, prototyping
    • There are a range of available tools, data sources, training, prototyping, compliance testing and other resources available throughout the M&S and geospatial communities that would be of improved utility if they were part of a common persistent network of shared services
    • Resources include: Tools, data sources, reference implementations, etc.
    • Survey organizations and develop a common environment for access to services
    • Address unclassified versus controlled unclassified and classified resources

Other topics of discussion, deemed important, but needing more discussion / definition or of lower priority in terms of prioritization included:

  • Explore connecting indoor / outdoor / underground interface
    • The group focused on the lack of capability across Geospatial and M&S models / schema to fully characterize and support the Indoor/outdoor interface, NAS presently does not address indoor objects
    • Additional work also needs to be advanced to provide a standardized structure and/or mediation process to support the sharing of indoor characteristics and objects across schema / models.
    • See OGC Underground Infrastructure Concept Development Study: http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/initiatives/undergroundcds
    • Leads: OGC (Bermudez), NGA (Rathbun)
  • Navigation, Distributed Ledger / Blockchain
    • Implications and applications of this technology to geospatial and M&S
    • Leads: SOFWERX (Birch), OGC (Hobona)
  • Disparities between 3D formats and processing / tiling / streaming capabilities
    • White paper or best practice needed to address current state and next steps
    • Leads: AGC, OGC
  • White Paper on Terms
    • Roles of open Data, Open Standards, Open Source in the context of use in open and classified environments

Next Event

3D Geospatial M&S Summit III, 25 April 2018 in conjunction with GEOINT 2018

The planning group agreed to investigate these topics more deeply over the coming weeks and to provide the broader 3D Geospatial M&S community with a roadmap of agreed upon near term joint activities as part of a Summit III event to be held in conjunction with the upcoming GEOINT 2018 Forum scheduled for April. The Summit III event will be held on the last day of the GEOINT event, 25 April from 0800-1000. Additional details on the Summit III event will be published on the 3D Geospatial M&S Wiki by 6 March 2018, and will be announced via the 3D Geospatial M&S project email list.
Topic revision: r1 - 28 Feb 2018, MarkReichardt
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