Telco 15. Fifth of the second phase of the IE

When: WED 20 May 2020 - 3:00 PM-4:30 PM


  • Joan Masó, Ester Prat, Andy Cobley, Lucy Bastin, Anne Bowser, Simon Jirka, Bente Lilja Bye, Metis Meloche, Andreas Matheus, Landon van Dyke, Lukas

Meeting recording

Previous Action points

  • AP1: Andy Cobley to provide samples of air temperature & soil moisture data to Simon
    • Completed: Email was sent on May 5th at 14:42pm CEST
  • AP2: Joan to provide phenology dataset to Simon
    • Completed: Dataset was sent on May 8th at 13:17pm CEST
  • AP3: Steffen will check availability for an ad-hoc meeting with Joan, Clay, Andy and Valantis
    • Completed: Meeting took place on May 6th. Minutes available here.
  • AP4: Set up a separate call with Lukas and Joan about the CitSci Engineering Report
    • Completed: Meeting took place on May 7th. Minutes available here.
  • AP5: Set up a meeting with Joan and Clay to talk about how to clean the JSON file
    • Completed: Meeting took place on May 13th. Minutes available here.

Agenda and minutes

  • SensorThings API clients and services. What can we implement with the resources we have.
    • 52N Helgoland Server - version 5.1 tested and works nice. Can support 3 different services: SOS, STA and REST API
      • Simon has now contributions from Andy, Valantis and Joan. Is there a date where we can have a service up and running that we can test?
    • JM has not made progress on the map browser in relation to STA but he knows what to do.
      • Some STA instances commented in the Telecon14
      • Once 52N Helgoland Server is ready, we can try with it
  • Adhoc sessions report:
    • Ad-hoc Telco#1: Street photography
      • Good discussion on the requirements for stree photography in terms of georeferencing and annotation. We better framed the use case.
      • No direct follow up foreseen on this one.
    • Ad-hoc Telco#2: CitSci Interop Engineering Report and Lukas
      • Discussion on the need for the STA model
      • Conclusion on looking for the good ideas in the STA intead of having a full implementataion.
    • Ad-hoc Telco#3: Earth Challenge 2020 Sensor Things API implementation
      • Discussion on the phases of implementation.
      • Tow decided directions
        • Wait and test the new emerging interfaces
        • Define the minimum set o fields that a member of the public will need to see and will understand.
  • CDC: Data Challange opportunity starts. Participate!
  • INSPIRE Hackathon coordination
  • COVID-19 + AirQuality correlation
    • Some resources and discussion continue from our previous minutes Telecon14
    • Lucy: "For me it would be useful to know what kind of space-time windows are useful as context or benchmarking for the other observations"
    • Lukas and is doing a discussion paper on Air Quality and COVID-19
      • Focus on aerosols and limitations on air circulation.
      • It could be released in 2-3 weeks
    • Andy:
  • Earth Challenge 2020
    • What is the minimum set of elements that we should show to the user?
    • Proposal
      • Datastream: unitOfMeasurement
      • Observation: result
      • Observation: phenomenonTime
      • Observation: imageResult (from our implementation)
      • OM Process: licenseName (from our implementation)
      • OM Process: resultQuality (from our implementation- one of many fields)
      • Observed Property: name
      • Location: location
    • Opinions?.



Next Action points

  • AP1:

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Topic revision: r6 - 20 May 2020, EsterPrat
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