Telco 14. Fourth of the second phase of the IE
When: WED 29 Apr 2020 - 3:00 PM-4:30 PM
- Joan Masó, Clay Herbaugh, James Sprinks (Earthwatch), Jan-Erik Vinje, Lucy Bastin, Lukas Mocek, Metis Meloche, Simon Jirka, Valantis Tsiakos, Andy Cobley, Steffen Fritz, Anne Bowser, Maya Charnell, Ester Prat
Meeting recording
Agenda and minutes
- SensorThings API clients and services. What can we implement with the resources we have.
- 52N Helgoland Server - version 5.1 tested and works nice. Can support 3 different services: SOS, STA and REST API
- Valantis asks Simon to share URI of the server so that they can try to visualize directly the resources exposed to their clients
- JM suggests to use phenology observations as a dataset to test --> AP2
- JM has made some progress with his browser reading SensorThings API data and will use this approach suggested by Thunyathep Santhanavanich in the April 15th email to create a map and to query for observations (in datastreams):
- Get locations:
- COVID19: Observations in a place:$filter=name%20eq%20%27Germany%27&$expand=Datastreams/Observations
- 3 datastreams for deads, recovered and confirmed cases
- Each datastream returns a time series. You can get them all datastreams and the "internal" observations in a single request because none of the elements involved has more than 100 hits.
- SCENT: Observations in a place for Scent is more complicated. Due to paging limitations you need to discover them in several steps:
- Once 52N Helgoland Server is ready, we can try with it
- Steffen Fritz wants some advice to adopt the SensorThings API approach with his land cover street level photographs --> AP3
- INSPIRE Hackathon coordination
- COVID-19 + AirQuality correlation
- Lukas was in a webinar where this EEA platform was presented linking air quality data monitoring and COVId-19:
- Resources and discussions on gitter
- Citizen Science and COVID curiosity:
- Lucy will provide data on air quality in WCS format
- Earth Challenge 2020
- Results from Earth Challenge 2020 on STA to CitSci
00000000000000 {"status":"OK","message":"","data_type":"get_records_response",
00000000000063 "data":"","data_str":"{\"table_name\":\"OGC_Data\",\"type_name\
00000000000126 ":\"58308572548224431\",\"type_schema\":\"{\\\"type\\\":\\\"rec
00000000000189 ord\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"type_name\\\",\\\"fields\\\":[{\\\"nam
00000000000252 e\\\":\\\"datastreamName\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"n
00000000000315 ull\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"datastreamDescription\\\",\\\"type\
00000000000378 \\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"observatio
00000000000441 nType\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]},{\\\"name
00000000000504 \\\":\\\"unitOfMeasurement\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\
00000000000567 "null\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfMeasurementName\\\",\\\"typ
00000000000630 e\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfMe
00000000000693 asurementSymbol\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]}
00000000000756 ,{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfMeasurementDescription\\\",\\\"type\\\
00000000000819 ":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfCount\
00000000000882 \\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\
00000000000945 \\"unitOfCountName\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\
00000000001008 "]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfTruth\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\
00000000001071 \\",\\\"null\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfTruthName\\\",\\\"ty
00000000001134 pe\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]},{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfT
00000000001197 ruthDescription\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\\\",\\\"null\\\"]}
00000000001260 ,{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfCategory\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\
- I can clean it with "search and replace" ((gc response.json) -replace '\\"', '"' | Out-File -encoding UTF8 response2.json) several times etc...
"phenomenonTime": 1587225291609,
"resultTime": 1587225291609,
"submitTime": 1587225291609,
"projectObservationUID": "11ca4f9ab12f4832bca7039513f27de4_1587225321657",
"license": " ",
"licenseName": "CC0",
"IsImageAdultClassified": "true",
"IsImageRacyClassified": "true"
"validationStatus": "some",
"validationMethod": "Photos flagged for adult or racy content",
"validationResult": "TRUE",
"qualityGrade": "Consumer",
"observedPropertyName": "Particulate matter (PM)",
"sensorName": "11ca4f9ab12f4832bca7039513f27de4",
"sensorDescription": "Anonymous user cell phone",
"sensorEncodingType": "JSON object",
"verify_location_long": "11.754730549739106",
"verify_location_lat": "48.38568609534866",
"user_location_lat": "0",
"user_location_long": "0"
Next Action points
- AP1: Andy Cobley to provide samples of air temperature & soil moisture data to Simon
- Completed: Email was sent on May 5th at 14:42pm CEST
- AP2: Joan to provide phenology dataset to Simon
- AP3: Steffen will check availability for an ad-hoc meeting with Joan, Clay, Andy and Valantis
- AP4: Set up a separate call with Lukas and Joan about the CitSci Engineering Report
- AP5: Set up a meeting with Joan and Clay to talk about how to clean the JSON file
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EsterPrat - 24 Apr 2020