Telco 14. Fourth of the second phase of the IE

When: WED 29 Apr 2020 - 3:00 PM-4:30 PM


  • Joan Masó, Clay Herbaugh, James Sprinks (Earthwatch), Jan-Erik Vinje, Lucy Bastin, Lukas Mocek, Metis Meloche, Simon Jirka, Valantis Tsiakos, Andy Cobley, Steffen Fritz, Anne Bowser, Maya Charnell, Ester Prat

Meeting recording

Agenda and minutes

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00000000001260 ,{\\\"name\\\":\\\"unitOfCategory\\\",\\\"type\\\":[\\\"string\
      • I can clean it with "search and replace" ((gc response.json) -replace '\\"', '"' | Out-File -encoding UTF8 response2.json) several times etc...
            "phenomenonTime": 1587225291609,
            "resultTime": 1587225291609,
            "submitTime": 1587225291609,
            "projectObservationUID": "11ca4f9ab12f4832bca7039513f27de4_1587225321657",
            "license": " ",
            "licenseName": "CC0",
               "IsImageAdultClassified": "true",
               "IsImageRacyClassified": "true"
            "validationStatus": "some",
            "validationMethod": "Photos flagged for adult or racy content",
            "validationResult": "TRUE",
            "qualityGrade": "Consumer",
            "observedPropertyName": "Particulate matter (PM)",
            "sensorName": "11ca4f9ab12f4832bca7039513f27de4",
            "sensorDescription": "Anonymous user cell phone",
            "sensorEncodingType": "JSON object",
               "verify_location_long": "11.754730549739106",
               "verify_location_lat": "48.38568609534866",
               "user_location_lat": "0",
               "user_location_long": "0"


Next Action points

  • AP1: Andy Cobley to provide samples of air temperature & soil moisture data to Simon
    • Completed: Email was sent on May 5th at 14:42pm CEST
  • AP2: Joan to provide phenology dataset to Simon
  • AP3: Steffen will check availability for an ad-hoc meeting with Joan, Clay, Andy and Valantis
  • AP4: Set up a separate call with Lukas and Joan about the CitSci Engineering Report
  • AP5: Set up a meeting with Joan and Clay to talk about how to clean the JSON file

GoToMeeting details

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-- EsterPrat - 24 Apr 2020
Topic revision: r7 - 06 May 2020, JoanMaso
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