Known Big Data Relevant Groups

This page collects information about other working groups, bodies, etc. relevant in the field of Big Data. You find one missing? Feel free to add, but don't forget to add (i) a link) and (ii) a contact person (anybody in the know, such as yourself). -- PeterBaumann - 23 Apr 2014

Inside OGC

  • Coverages model space-time varying phenomena, such as regular and irregular grids (ex: satellite imagery, climate data, statistics datacubes), point clouds, and meshes. In OGC, coverages are addressed primarily by the following groups (see public wiki; contact: Peter Baumann, co-chair).
    • Coverages Domain Working Group (Coverages.DWG)
    • Web Coverage Service Standards Working Group (WCS.SWG)

Outside OGC



Topic revision: r1 - 23 Apr 2014, PeterBaumann
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