52North WPS
The 52North WPS expects GML Input (GML2, GML3) as WFS Feature collection (by value or reference).
The format must be:
schema="http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.2/feature.xsd" (for GML2)
PyWPS follows Python's philosophy: "Batteries not included". Therefore
PyWPS accepts any inputs defined by the WPS 1.0.0
LiteralData is checked for type (string, float etc) ,range, units etc as defined by WPS 1.0.0, and according to the choices made by the programmer of the process.
ComplexData is passed as an Object containing information like: mimeType, schema, encoding. It's up to the process to decide what to do with it: Parse it, validate it, ignore it.
Therefore it's up to secondary libraries (e.g. GDAL, GRASS,
LibKML, etc) defined in the process to deal with the
ComplexData Input/Output
generic Input or application schema GML2
The user
should set the GML2 attributes in the Process initiation (class):
formats = [{'mimeType':'text/xml'}]),
ComplexData Input will be check for the processe's attributes and will rise an WPS Exception if the attributes are different. It's up to the user to define
OR not the process attributes. If the process lacks the specific attributes no checks will me made.
After acceptance of a valid XML Input (with out schema validation) the data is "inside" the process and it's up to the user to parse it, how he sees best
generic Input or application schema GML3
The same as GML2, but the user
should use
Input Geotiff
ComplexData Input format
should be indicated in the Process initiation (class)
formats = [{"mimeType":"image/tiff"}]
ComplexData Input XML
must be in base64 coding:
The base64 will be decoded and converted into a binary file that will be used as process input
Input shapefiles
Shape files are multi-file structures, as an Input
PyWPS doesnt support multi-files, but a zip file with the contents could be passed to a process and then used as input
JorgeJesus - 13 Sep 2010
ZOO Project
ZOO Project is an Open Source project released under MIT/X11 licence. It can handle services implemented in various programming languages : C/C++, Python, Java, Fortran, PHP, Javascript (server-side) and Perl (really soon, take a look at the svn tree to see the initial integration of the Perl support).
The url to access the current version of the ZOO Kernel is this one :
All type of WPS request is supported (
DescribeProcess and Execute) and the XML documents outputed by the ZOO Kernel in response to those requests are all valid.
Your WPS
Add your WPS here
BastianSchaeffer - 10 Sep 2010