WC Tile Telecon, 22-06-2015


Roger Brackin

Chris Little

Matthew Purss

Jeff Yutzler


Use Cases

CL: Use cases need to be tidied up but probably complete enough to start to do some analysis.
Action: RB to tidy up the terrain use case.
Action: CL to make an attempt at the Climate use case.

Requirements Collation

Action: RB to look at requirements grid.

Data Modelling

Should consider how to define separable dimensions.
Action: RB/CL Should review existing specs and will liaise with Joan Maso.

DGGS Integration Discussion

Should DGGS be part of WC Tile S:
MP: DGGS would define a standard model of the data structure which could be exploited by WC Tile Service.
Action: MP agreed to a put together some thoughts on the potential implementations of a DGGS web service. We can then discuss next week.

Other items

Need to populate 'Potential Technologies' and 'Related Standards'.

Will keep a watching brief on GeoPackage Coverage/Terrain model as it develops.

-- Main.rbrackin - 23 Jun 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Jun 2015, rbrackin
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