Web Coverage Tile Service Meeting - Bolder TC
Roger Brackin (Envitia)
Chris Little (Met Office0
Don Sullivan (Nasa)
Micheal Gerlick (Radiant Blue)
Peter Akeln (Swedish Transport)
Josh Nolting (Digital Globe)
Jeff Yutzler (Image Matters)
Roy Rathburn (NGA)
Lew Leinenweber (OGC)
Stefan Strobel (DGIWG)
Emannuel Devys (IGN)
Joan Maso (CREAF)
Frederic Houbie (
Action: DS Agreed to review Aviation Use Case.
Action: RB/CL to open SWG Content up (first step is to examine charter change).
Action: Micheal Gerlick agreed to provide text for Use Case 9 (to be emailed to Chris Little)
JM: Making Tile Matrix Set concept more general, and extracting it from WMTS/GeoPackage etc
GP: What about DGGS? RB: We are considering this as a possible delivery format.
JM: Can think of refining
TileMatrix model which mixes Order and matrix division etc. Could consider defining all properties of an axis in each axis order component.
Action: RB Progress the Tile Matrix Set model for multiple dimensions.
DS: Consider Client Behaviour too.
MG: Interesting. Performance issues may be issues.
RB to organize an Electronic Vote .
-- Main.rbrackin - 01 Jun 2015