WCTileS Meeting, OGC TC Barcelona, Spain


TH = Ted Hardmann

CH = Chuck Heazel

CL = Chris Little

RB: = Roger Brackin

XX, YY unknown

Others, see OGC Record


Item 1: Admin

Chair Elections

Chris little – R Brackin Proposed, Pete Trevelyan Seconded. Vote passed unanimously.

Roger Brackin – Chris Little Proposed, Chuck Heazel Seconded, Vote passed unanimously.


Agreed we would use WIKI plus GITHUB for Standards document control.

Item 2. Development Approach

Use something Agile. (Agile Process).

Item 3: Use Cases

Present in charter, but need to flesh them out. Looking for

Providers of use cases: Chris Little, Chuck Heazel, Roger Brackin

Target: End of March.

Item 5: Conceptual Modelling

Design Constraints need to be defined, e.g.

CH: N-Dimensional Tiling, not limited to specific number of dimensions.

RB: Profiles for MET etc.

CH: Don’t restrict use cases to specific lite applications.

CL: Actually is possibly relevant to Archives


CL: What should the interface be like? WMTS Simple Profile discussion.


RB: Light weight, low client load. CH: Multiple use cases

Gridded first, point cloud first

CL: Limited number of dimensions

JM: What type of service? Can you unclude GMLCOV as an encoding.

XX: Is it Get Tile as a request? Etc.

CL: Get multiple tiles.

XX: WMTS has multiple tile

JM Time in tiles, height in tiles how will we describe these.

CL: Actually it is relatively easy to

RB: Agree how to enumerate the dimensions

Item 6: Work Schedule

Early Actions Scoping Analysis – Scope and types.

Work on Tiling scheme, and maybe some of the axis models (time etc)

Decide how to describe content and terminology (tiles, cubes etc)

Application that generates the tiles.

Methods of how to get them (Service interface)

Item 8: Other SWGS.

CH: Engage with Big Data particularly around tiling requirements
Topic revision: r1 - 05 May 2015, rbrackin
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