OGC Technical Committee 86, Frascati, 2013-09-23, 15:45-17:40 Local time (CEST)
Temporal Ad Hoc Working Group Agenda
15:45 Welcome, teleconf technology struggles
15:50 - 16:15 A proposal for temporal and index CRSs for OGC-NA (Piero Campalani)
16:15 - 16:40 Talk on
OpenMI time aspects including discussion (Bert Jagers)
16:40 -16:55 Why are we here - Charter scope:
- Clarify technicalities
- Give clear guidance to OGC members, other DWGs and SWGs
- Identify and document short-comings in existing OGC and non-OGC standards
- Raise CRs against OGC standards
- Publish an OGC Best Practice document with a wide range of realistic Use Case
16:55 - 17:10 Approach to be taken:
- CRS + Datum/origin/epoch
- Notation: ISO8601 in various versions
- Calendars: ISO; pro-leptic Gregorian; sidereal; 360 day year; leap seconds; others out of scope (lunar, luni-solar, religious, etc)
17:10 - 17:25 Other Topics
- Climatological qualifiers (e.g. climatological maximum of January daily minimum temperatures)
- Other statistical qualifiers
- Absolute vs relative timescales (e.g. ice cores or tree rings measured in mm; geological periods/depths; King Lists)
17:25 - 17:35 Discussion, Priorities, Summary
17:35 - 17:40 Next meetings
ChrisLittle - 09 Sep 2013