OGC Technical Committee 86, Frascati, 2013-09-23, 15:45-17:40 Local time (CEST)

Temporal Ad Hoc Working Group Agenda

15:45 Welcome, teleconf technology struggles

15:50 - 16:15 A proposal for temporal and index CRSs for OGC-NA (Piero Campalani)

16:15 - 16:40 Talk on OpenMI time aspects including discussion (Bert Jagers)

16:40 -16:55 Why are we here - Charter scope:
  1. Clarify technicalities
  2. Give clear guidance to OGC members, other DWGs and SWGs
  3. Identify and document short-comings in existing OGC and non-OGC standards
  4. Raise CRs against OGC standards
  5. Publish an OGC Best Practice document with a wide range of realistic Use Case

16:55 - 17:10 Approach to be taken:
  1. CRS + Datum/origin/epoch
  2. Notation: ISO8601 in various versions
  3. Calendars: ISO; pro-leptic Gregorian; sidereal; 360 day year; leap seconds; others out of scope (lunar, luni-solar, religious, etc)

17:10 - 17:25 Other Topics
  1. Climatological qualifiers (e.g. climatological maximum of January daily minimum temperatures)
  2. Other statistical qualifiers
  3. Absolute vs relative timescales (e.g. ice cores or tree rings measured in mm; geological periods/depths; King Lists)

17:25 - 17:35 Discussion, Priorities, Summary

17:35 - 17:40 Next meetings

-- ChrisLittle - 09 Sep 2013
Topic revision: r3 - 12 Sep 2013, ChrisLittle
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