-- JosephAbhayaratna - 16 May 2017

Use Case Name


Clearly identify domain/sector of activity

Urban Planning



Clearly identify the objectives/benefits of the use case

This use case addresses the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

8. Decent work and economic growth

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

11. Sustainable cities and communities


The '30 Minute City' concept is described on page 11 of the Australian Government's Smart Cities Plan (see here: https://cities.dpmc.gov.au/18190/documents/48080). Two cities in Australia are already looking at this: Sydney (see here: http://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/~/media/Files/DPE/Plans-and-policies/a-plan-for-growing-sydney-2014-12.ashx ) and Melbourne (see here: http://www.planmelbourne.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/131288/Part-5-Principle-7-and-8.pdf ). If the travel time budget is 30 minutes for everything a citizen needs, this means 2-4kms by foot, 10km by light rail/tram, 20kms by train, and 40-50kms by car given adequately flowing traffic.

To enable accurate measurement of progress toward this goal, it’s necessary to determine which types of services must be accessible within 30 minutes from any location. Once this list is available, governments adopting the goal could incentivise the situation of new services using a combination of outlet location and the location of equivalent services.

User Story Description

Brian and Catherine have two children, Grant (10 years old) and Jemma (4 years old). Every morning at 8am, Brian punches in the family’s route in his favourite City App and drives the family in their car, dropping Grant at school and Jemma at childcare next door (8:20), before then dropping Catherine at work (8:45 – 10 minutes transit) and going to work himself (9:00). Sometimes the City App chooses a different route based on traffic congestion. After school (15:30), the childcare centre sends a staff member over to the school to pick up those children, like Grant, who are registered for after school care program. In the evenings at 5pm, Brian will pick Catherine up (5:15) on his way to pick the kids up from childcare (5:25), returning home at approximately 5:50pm. Today, just after lunch (1pm), Brian gets a phone call to say that Gemma has been sick and needs to be picked up. He picks Gemma up from Childcare at 1:20 and uses the City App to find a walk-in clinic on the way home. Gemma has a middle ear infection and requires penicillin. Brian takes her next door to the chemist, puts in the prescription, using his City App to locate a quick bite to eat whilst they wait. The City App guides him to a small milk bar inside the shopping centre. After eating, they walk back to the chemist, grab the antibiotics, jump in the car and are home in 10 minutes. At 5pm, Catherine leaves work to catch the bus home, a 25 minute trip. At the same time, Brian loads Gemma into the car to pick Grant up from childcare. They arrive home shortly after Catherine.

Sequence Diagram

Actor List and Requirement

Actors identified Citizen
Requirements (from the actor's perspective)  

Available Data

Data Technical Description Standards applied
Service classifications A standard list of service classifications, and a guide for classifying them None
Geocoding and Map Data and Services The reference data and services necessary to geocode the existing services, and determine 30 minute coverage for existing services by foot, light rail, train and car OpenLS (new Geocoding API?), Web Feature Service, Web Map Service, IndoorGML
Traffic feeds Real time feeds to measure actual transit times SensorThingsAPI


Dependencies on other use cases

This use case uses the following use cases:
  1. SmartCityUC6 _Planning
Topic revision: r4 - 04 Jul 2017, JosephAbhayaratna
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