Detailed topic list for QualityOfService Web

Results from QualityOfService web retrieved at 08:52 (GMT)

Use case: Service load testing setup (Spatineo Performance) Clara's goal Organization X is providing several national level geospatial datasets using OGC WMS and...
User Story As an OWS administrator, I want to assess the reliability of my OWS so that I can improve quality of service of my OWS resources. Details * Given a...
User Story As a user, I want to assess the reliability of OWS resources so that I can integrate data services without my application breaking. Details * Given...
Use case: Service monitoring setup (Spatineo Monitor) Janet's goal Organization X is providing several national level geospatial datasets using OGC WMS and WFS s...
Please provide concrete user centric use case descriptions to be used for defining the scope of the OWS QoS WG. Create a new wiki page for each use case descripti...
User Story As user of a web service, I want to be alerted to a loss of service so I can appropriately manage the end users of my application. Overview Developer...
Title (Goal): View a web map service (OGC WMS) Primary Actor: Economic policy analyst Jan is a federal government employee responsible for policy recommendations ...
This is how our working group communicates: * We have a mailing list qose.dwg (at), please subscribe though the OGC Portal (for member...
OGC Public Wiki's QualityOfService web
Quality of Service and Experience Domain Working Group (QoSE DWG) The OGC Quality of Service and Experience DWG (QoSE DWG) provides a forum for discussing issues ...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
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QualityOfService Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on ...
" else="OGC Public Wiki's QualityOfService web"}% /QualityOfService
%IF{ "istopic '.DefaultWebStatistics'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.DefaultWebStatistics$quot}$perc...
Number of topics: 21
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See also the faster WebTopicList
Topic revision: r1 - 05 Jul 2016, GregBuehler
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