Title (Goal): View a web map service (OGC-WMS)

Primary Actor: Economic policy analyst Jan is a federal government employee responsible for policy recommendations to the Minister of Economic Development. Jan has a strong theoretical background in economics, mathematics and public policy but does not have much experience in data analysis, data visualizations or mapping.

Scope: Jan will view a web map service in a simple web map visualization client.

Level: OWS - Quality of Experience


  • The web map service is discoverable. There is metadata describing the service published online.
  • The metadata describing the service contains sufficient detail to allow a person to understand its purpose and content.
  • The language used in the metadata is simple and easy for a person to understand. It does not contain jargon, technical or esoteric terms, acronyms, etc.
  • The title of the service is human readable.
  • The title of the service is meaningful. It is informative and indicative of the data content that the service provides.
  • There is a legend provided with the web map service.
  • The content of the legend is human readable.
  • The content in the legend is simple and easy for a person to understand and use.
  • The legend is meaningful. It provides sufficient detail to allow a person to understand what is displayed on the map, without having to refer to other material.

Story: Jan opens a catalogue application that contains metadata records for all government datasets. She enters the terms "education indigenous population Canada" in the free text search field. The search yields two results: a dataset called General Population Education and another dataset called Indigenous Persons Education. Jan selects both records and opens the metadata for the datasets. Both contain a link to a web map service. Jan chooses to view both web map services in the web map client provided by the catalogue application. Jan is able to successfully view and understand the content the web service makes available. The legend provides a clear indication of information presented in the map. The titles of the datasets and all map attributes and queries provide clear, simple, human readable information. Jan is satisfied with the information presented. She does not need to search further to make sense of the data and information presented to her by the service.

-- CindyMitchell - 13 Jul 2016
Topic revision: r1 - 13 Jul 2016, CindyMitchell
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