Minutes of Telecon 09 January 2012


  • Stephan Siemen (ECMWF)
  • Michal WEIS (IBL)
  • Frédéric Guillaud and Marie-Francoise Voidrot (Meteo-France)

Discussions :

1) Summury from the previous Teleconf and discussions on the pending questions :

During the previous discussions, some participants raised the question :

Should we make one Best Practices document or several : one for the servers serving observed and forecasted data and another one for climate data, one for each role Providers ( to implement the servers), users (to tell which parameter to set to talk to the servers) , One for the operator (to recommend the criteria to select the data to choose and send, set the defaults...).

Participants agree to say that we should as far as possible encourage the development of a unique Best Practices document :

- For Climate data and climatology products, if we define too many dimensions, it will disminish the number of compatible clients. The proposal of putting the time semantics to define the product into the name of the layer seems the best solution at this stage (as far as the number of layers is reasonnable).

- For the different roles , we agree that each proposal of Best practice should be illustrated by example for each role if not into the core of the document , into annexes.

Marie-Francoise will provide some definitions of the "Sample Dimensions" to explain the concept used into the schema on the Vertical CRSs needed in MEteorology.

Michal will complete the list of Sample dimensions and send some use cases.

It shoudl be possible to define a layer (Soil moisture between two depths, parameter defeind between 2 heights) similar to rain accumulation between two time steps. The layers can be overlapping. Maybe this should be into the name of the layer.

Considering the Sigma , Hybrid.. levels, maybe it is too complex for interoperability purposes and we should keep in mind that keeping WMS simple is a priority. Matthias suggested to write a paragraph where we would make explicit the use cases that we didn't take into account into the WMS best practices and should be handle into WCS or WFS best practices or a future release of WMS BP if really required.

We should have stabilised the needs in term of CRSs at the end of the month to try to validate them on the teleconf of the 30th of January and provide Andrew with a stable input.

Michal suggests that we could consider that Height and immersion or depth ar a unique vertical CRS. We still have to check the definition of the CRS:88

2) Other points :

Participants would appreciate if the dates of the connected face to face meeting could be announced soon : GIS/OGC and EGOWS 2012.

Marie-Francoise will contact NOAA for the GIS/OGC and the Met Office for EGOWS

If Ilkka is available next Monday for the teleconf, we will discuss his email sent beginning of January to help him improve before his deadline (20th January for INSPIRE purposes)

Marie-francoise is not available to manage a teleconf on the 23rd : If someone wants to manage the teleconf we can set the resources. If not it will be cancelled.

-- MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez - 13 Jan 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 13 Jan 2012, MarieFrancoiseVoidrotMartinez
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